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tada's Posts

Re: NR on phase 1 Kidney Trial

I think Clayton's experience is continuing to help our little company.

Interesting how this is coming out just prior to the next round of meetings with the FDA.

Very excited to see how the next month unfolds.


over 7 years ago
Re: Again, it probably doesn't mean much but anyway...

Or maybe they are just boarding the plane

over 7 years ago
Re: It probably means nothing....

KK2 - You have my curiosity going, why would Dart and Li stand for the highest bidder if they were Japanese?


over 7 years ago
Re: Pills, Pills Everywhere - But Really Where Are They?

SF - I don't think pills are being cranked out. At $333/25mg a 200mg dose a day would be around $2600. I would be surprised if it was even in pill form. Likely in caplet or vile to make it easier to dose mice at the correct amount.

I think I remember hearing that one of the published articles was put out by a school in England that did research on their own. Can't remember when or where but pretty sure I heard that.

You would have to contact the company for amounts sold and I wish you good luck with that. They will likely be able to tell you which publication came from that source though.


over 7 years ago
Re: Who Is Buying Those Pills?

KK2 - I believe it was 3 years ago at the AGM this topic was brought up. RVX208 is a patented product. The formula is in the public domain so why not have the product manufactured and sold under license by your manufacturer and know who is buying it rather than having competitors make it on their own. This way RVX more or less knows who is following up, whether an educational institution or competitor. 

I also think that at either that same presentation or another I was at that comments from the company were along the lines of; if we are able to gain information from others research that we aren't paying for then it's a win for us.

If some else has their notes from an AGM 3 or 4 years ago you may be able to verify these points for us.



over 7 years ago
Re: Showcase Presentations

Bear – Thank you I do appreciate your input as many others do. What I know about scientific and medical issues would fit into a thimble, well maybe a shot glass in comparison to your Olympic sized pool knowledge base.



over 7 years ago
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