Resverlogix Corp.

Welcome To The Resverlogix HUB On AGORACOM Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section
in response to kelsee's message

Its been a busy holiday season for me, and I haven't been participating in the hub as much as I have in the past, something that many here probably appreciate.  I was joking about the OCD workshop, but I do recognize that I can be a like a dog with a bone sometimes.  

I have 2 kids from a previous marriage, and a 3 year old with my sexy young wife.....and the 3 yr old just started a half day program at a French School, the school he will be attending full time starting in September when he is 4.  My older 2, spent some time here over the holidays as well....Christmas, New Year's, Family, Friends....busy busy busy.

Obviously nobody is happy with the current state of affairs.....a PPS somewhere around $1.60 to $1.80 where its been stuck for about two months now.  I very much like our chances to see another run like we had in 2015, but if it happnes it will sneak up and surprise us, just like it did then.  

I saw the play Man of Lamancha many years back in Toronto, with Hal Linden in the title role of Don Quixote.  Its fitting because I too like to tilt at windmills....or to quote a line from one of my fave movies, ''I have been known to howl at the moon''.

Clayton will be getting another email from me this week.  I will specifically be asking, like Kelsee, about what happened with the 2nd licensing/partnership deal, and about what caused the AGM to be delayed two months.  The AGM delay is a big point of contention for me.  I want to know on what basis they were granted an extension, because I didn't see anything in the agenda that warranted the postponement.  Perhaps it was the Royalty Preferred Shares....but I would like an answer.  

At the end of the day I didn't even bother voting my proxy.....not because I was disinterested, but because even if I doubled the number of shares I own it still would have had 0 impact on the result.

Anyway....happy 2017 everyone.  So far 2017 has started much the way 2016's hoping that changes.

Keep up the good work Kelsee....I'll be participating more often, although I'm going to try to keep my OCD posting in check this year.  But if the PPS does end up exploding higher, then that resolution is going in the trash.



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