Resverlogix Corp.

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in response to BearDownAZ's message

Bear – I did say I would jump on that grenade hence the reason I am wearing a Kevlar flack jacket.

The question was; Question for Bear or KBC – Does the trial finish with 250 events with less than 2400 patients dosed or will they have to continue through 2400 patients in order to get statistically significant numbers?

I do not disagree with your numbers on increasing the trial size if needed.

DM did say at the AGM that it was taking as much as 120 days to get events verified or adjudicated by the group in Scotland that does that work and they were working diligently with them to get that time down to 60 days or less.

My conclusion from that is that the futility analysis will not begin until the events are verified which would mean that the analysis would not begin at the earliest until mid March and maybe into late April or May even if there are 125 events as of today.

It is okay for us to have differing opinions, that’s what makes a market. I stated in my post on Jan 12, 2017 @ 02:24pm that I expect there to be more events than what they planned for and greater reduction in %RRR based on the post hock analysis and the info divulged in the patent application for the combo Crestor/RVX208. If you can give me some reasonable explanations to change my assessment I am more than willing to listen.



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