Resverlogix Corp.

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in response to SanFrancisco99's message

Hey SF, I agree that to get a buyer right now for Apabetalone or the whole of RVX it would likely be a CVR (or as you say "phased milestone" type) deal.  I know some people don't like CVR's and I understand why but at the same time I think RVX as a business has been slow in the development of Apabetalone and after roughly 15 years is just now perhaps getting a second compound into development.  Now that epigentics is becoming more mainstream science one of my biggest fears is that companies with much deeper pockets and better management will start rapidly reducing the science lead DM always talks about. Currently I would rather get some return upfront with the prospect of future returns on multiple compounds, including Apabetalone, than wait around with all our eggs in the Apabetalone/BetOnMace basket.  If the top left of the NPV chart we have seen in a few presentations now truly represents the value of the company, which I have no reason to believe it doesn't, I would think that some BP might step up to get an advanced epigenetic platform from which they could full on pursue multiple opportunities at once.  Case in point, we have been told that RVX currently has 7 new clinic ready compounds which they would like to pursue but have to make choices as to where to direct limited resources.  The competition will not wait around because RVX is not ready.  My preference would be to sell the complete RVX package, a decent upfront percentage of the NPV of $1.7B USD plus future royalties would suit me fine.  If not that I would hope that management is aggressively marketing the 7 ready to go compounds to potential partners who are in fact financially ready to go. All JMO

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