Prodigy Gold

TODAY'S DISCOVERY, TOMORROW'S FUTURE Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.
AGM Details
about 12 years ago
Re: AGM Details
about 12 years ago
Re: AGM Details
about 12 years ago
Re: AGM Details
about 12 years ago
in response to rico's message

Well reporting back from the AGM, here are the answers to our questions.

1-To keep interest levels up over the next few months they will be keep us up to date re de risking the project as news come available.

2-They beleive that the PFS is needed before the FFS to analize the project scope and then make any changes for the FFS.

3-The inferred ozs were low due to the fact that the drilling was very tight on their spacing of the holes and that all the inferred they did have got moved into the indicated category.

4-They say they have about 5,000 meters of infill drilling to finish on the resource pit shell model. They will probably send one drill rig to each of the new properties in October to drill on some target areas that they have idenified for some exploration. On Magino they will probably do some prelimanary deep drilling.

5-They feel they have no real hurdles in the next 12 months, as long as they execute each phase of de risking and release news on a timely basis, they feel that the SP should slowly move upward as each phase of de risking occurs.

From what I took away from the meeting is that we are in a phase as we de risk the project SP should steadily go up. Problem with this is as we de risk each phase we become more prone to be bought out. They are always looking to aquire more properties. they feel fairly confident and Banks have shown a lot of interest to finance the project without any further share dilution and for sure no share consolidation. Hopefully this helpfull to all.


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