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wavemaster's Posts

Re: BORE...Bore..Boring!...

I was watching that too.It wasnt a cross,because it shot the share price up.Im guessing a buddy deal where someone put 3 million up for sale and you buy them at market type of deal.

It happened all in the last 30 seconds.


over 11 years ago
Re: Trading patterns

I have to admit,I cant help but keep buying small amount here and there too.I believe gold is going higher...and higher...and well ,thats my plan.Argonaut chart follows the price of gold and it has also been tracking the Feds balance sheet.My story and sticking to it.

My trading account with RBC Direct allows me 10$ Trades for any amounts bought or sold..so what the hell.Just have to have courage on setting stops..the hardest part of successful trading..IMO.

over 11 years ago
Trading patterns

It seems we are in the buy cycle on some outfits computer plan.Constant buying of small lots a few times every minute.The stock moves when some retail wants in or out.Every day this stock looks like a good buy.

No debt,internal financing and rapid growth potential.The last I looked ,Argonaut is held 15% by retail.One hungry investor is all it takes.No more cheap shares or warrants...hopefully.

over 11 years ago

Gold will go up again,the stock market will retreat again and AR has 200m in the bank and are profiting 20m a quarter.Cash is king and AR will continue to produce it eventually making it to 100m a quarter profit.

All those warrants that were bought are being sold off for those in the money,its just the way it goes.

over 11 years ago
Catalysts and expectations

What he talked about was the execution of parts of the process that derisk the project,that will be what moves this up closer to the industry pricing average.At 100$ an ounce for indicated in the ground puts us in the 2.50$ range.Thats a fair price to target,for me anyway.

Add in gold appreciation and geo political stability as well as excellent economics,this could make the 3-4 dollar mark by end 2013.

Just meet the milestones..the first being the MOU with first nations.

about 12 years ago
Re: Freudian slip or Ripple impact

..whats surprising to me is the hope for a dollar share price.Its a fair share price to feel good for Prodigy but I feel 2 dollars plus for a buy out.Other options are a Major buying into the company for a premium.I will give Brian the trust not to sell out early,for less than expected.As well as Phelps and the Richardsons.

Gold is on the way up and what valuation would you give Prodigy at 2500$ an ounce.We have waited,the management have perservered,now I say we wait another year and we could be 5$ a share.Why sell the company now...it looks like just a matter of time before they are looking ripe for a lucrative sale.

about 12 years ago
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