Prodigy Gold

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Geology of Adel claims acquired from Teck

This Geological information has been gathered from an OFR report of the OGS dated 2006...This OFR gave a Geological overview of the entire Wawa area. I have copied snippets of said report, to show the past recorded work, in particular those claims held by Teck , which KXL just acquired.

I am not going to comment specifically on the Geology, needless to say is very complex, but will focus on the known Gold occurrences and assays results. Perhaps the most encouraging finding is that this property contains BIFs or Banded Iron Formations which contain Gold, as well as Quartz Porphyry, returned assays of 18 gm/ton or 0.54 oz/ton..1gm=.03oz./ton. The area is known to contain these BIF/Quartz porphyry deposits some of which were Major producers of Gold. Most of these BIF formations deposits are usually extensive Deposits, higher grades.

A Banded deposit simply implies , having been mineralized over a long period time, under the sea waters or Hydrothermal waters, thus the Gold mineralization is deposited by the waters + in layers. In my view, this is a superb finding, since most BIFs are higher grades and usually Large.

It is a reasonable assumption, that these BIFs Deposit occur around Fault Zones and Sheared Deformation zones. A close look at the said Map released yesterday (see it at KXL homepage) shows a deformation zone which extends for over 30+ Kms. This zone originally started as a single zone in KXL properties to the East, it quickly then splits into 2 directly inside those 2 claims acquired yesterday , now these important and very prospective areas, since the is evidence of the very intense pressures at said junction forced the main deformation zone to split in 2, a North and a South zone. KXL owns most all about 90% of North D. zone. The next event is that the South zone, which was in Teck’s property , and the North Zone, were further split each into a further 2 Zones. So the South Zone and the North zones further split apart very near the Teck claims, and more important near/above where KXL’s Milestone property is/has been drilled so far, Where 1.4Kms of mineralization has been found, albeit 1 to 2 gm.

So remember that this deformation Zone, the North one, traced by KXL Geophysics for over 30 Km, on strike, as shown on said Map, and KXl has not even begun to look for the BIFs and porphyry deposits, similar to the ones in Teck claims just acquired.

In addition the entire South D.Zone is now owned by KXl, with the above noted BIF and Porphyry areas. KXL’s

Milestone area has been expanded greatly, and the chances of finding Gold in HIGH GRADES, BIF Gold etc. as well as lower grades Gold, are very high indeed. I believe since KXL now controls all the Deformation Zones that extend over 30 KM on strike, Milestone could become a Large Major Gold Deposit.

No wonder Teck insisted on a buy back into their Abel property, they know the very high potential for Milestone, and in my view needs to own Gold deposit to diversify their company , much like all the Majors are doing now.

Milestone in my view, now has the potential of eventually a multi million ounce discovery, and so I would say, KXL is a definite long term holding, when one includes Magino and all their other properties not mentioned. Good luck to all.


Adel Property ---OFR EPORT

A joint venture was initiated in 2005 between Freewest Resources Canada Inc. and Teck Cominco Limited on the

Adel gold property, approximately 50 km east of Longlac (Freewest Canada Resources Inc., news release,

September 13, 2005). Teck Cominco Limited had carried out some preliminary prospecting, trenching and sampling

in late 2004 southeast of Adel Lake (J. Paakki, Teck Cominco Limited, personal communication, January 2005). A

40 m wide altered and mineralized zone was uncovered near some old trenches. Grab samples returned up to 18 g/t

Au from silicified, sulphidized (pyrite, arsenopyrite) banded iron formation and quartz porphyry (J. Paakki, Teck

Cominco Limited, personal communication, January 2005). Freewest staked additional claims to the north and west,bringing the total land holdings to 481 claim units (news release, September 13, 2005) and initiated a program ofprospecting, mapping, stripping and sampling.

The area was mapped by Amukun (1984). The Adel property straddles the boundary between the southern

Wabigoon and northern Quetico subprovinces, which, in this area, is manifested by the east-trending Gravel River–

Kamuck River fault (Carter 1975; Kresz and Zayachivsky 1993). Greenschist- to lower amphibolite-facies

metasedimentary rocks (phyllites, schists) on the north side of the fault are juxtaposed with mid-to upper

amphibolite-facies diatexites and migmatites, largely derived from metasedimentary protoliths, south of the fault.

Gold mineralization was noted by Amukun (1984) along the east-trending Klob Lake–Hoiles Creek fault southeast

of Adel Lake. In 1979, Onesime Albert prospected and trenched banded iron formation and sulphide-rich clastic

metasedimentary rocks; sampling of this occurrence by Amukun (1984) returned 9 ppm Au. (.27 oz/ton) According to Amukun’s (1984) regional mapping, the fault in this area forms the contact between metasedimentary rocks on the north and quartz-feldspar-phyric rocks to the south, which Amukun suggested were part of the Paglamin Lake

granodiorite stock.

A property report prepared by Palmer (2005) for Freewest listed a number of gold occurrences on the Adel property:

Gabbro Lake; Onesime Nos. 1, 2 and 3; North Contact zone; Otto shafts; Kenogamisis; and Gabbro Creek South.

Staff of the Thunder Bay North Resident Geologist’s Program (RGP) visited and sampled old trenches and areas

stripped and exposed by Teck Cominco in 2004, referred to as the Onesime No. 1 showing (approximate UTM

575800E, 5512900N).

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