Prodigy Gold

TODAY'S DISCOVERY, TOMORROW'S FUTURE Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.
in response to IBI's message

Do not understand your thinking. You want to average down to get out. What makes you think its going to go up to your lower average price??? Why throw good money after bad money unless you think they are going to find something of value one day?? Gold has been going up -- this stock is doing the opposite of what they are trying to find in the ground. I suggest if you still like the stock, hold on and or sell for a tax loss at end of year to offset a gain you might have. This stock is where it was 2 years ago --nowhere-except 2 years ago there was a good story about the golden mile and the price of gold was 1/2 of what it is today. You have been fleeced and do not realize it.

The reason i say fleeced is that management did not manage any shareholder expectations when all the golden mile BS came out. Did management lead you to believe they had found something of value and this was it or did they lead you to believe there needed to be more testing/exploration to determine if they found anything?

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