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Re: new all time low!!!

I believe that is what the stock price has been telling us the past 3 years. In my opinion , this is nothing more than a tax loss candidate to offset future gains in some other stock you sell for a profit.

This stock is a con artist story unless your goal is to lose money.

about 13 years ago
Re: New Board Member

I guess the company thinks this will attract new investors(suckers) from China. I was always under the impression you had to show results or show that your business plan was working to attract new investors. In 3 1/2 years Gold has tripled(stuff they are looking for) and the stock has lost 95% of its value. Is P.T. Barnum advising this company?

about 13 years ago
Re: News


over 13 years ago
Someone please explain to me

Why is gold, silver(things that Sage is drilling, exploring for) in a bull market with prospects of higher prices and the stock looks like it wants to do nothing but continue to drop in value. Is it as simple as they have not found anything of value yet for 3 years of exploration? The speculation of finding something of value going forward is nada? Someone give me a good reason to buy this stock.

almost 14 years ago
excitement over drilling

sounds good and the maps are pretty--this time the proof will have to be in results first. Good luck Sage - i hope you come thru for your shareholders this time .

almost 14 years ago
Re: Call me a skeptic, but:

agree with you --you never know in this business. As far as i am concerned, the stock is just 2-3 cents a share. At its present price, it will have to get above $2.50/share before i am even. The hype was great 2-3 years ago, properties were the greatest thing since sliced bread,KXL had the biggest find in North America in a long time and we were right next to it. Gold has now doubled and the stock is down 90%.

Buying it now is throwing good money after bad.

almost 14 years ago
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