POET Technologies Inc.

in response to fairchijisback's message

POET needed DL, DL needed POET. I think it will prove out to be a perfect fit. DL was a real company with products and revenue, but one that needed help. POET was a company with great ideas, valuable pattens and a little cash but no products , no 'real' revenue. The DenseLight people saw the potential and the vision of POET and they saw the great prospects of being a part of POET. The deal was a sweet deal for POET because it was done with shares alone. DL read the writing on the wall and realized how well these two companies would mesh together. Unlike us they also realized that Rome was not built in a day and it takes time and (POET's) money and pattens combined with their own resourses and connections to make this arrangement work. It hasn't even been a year yet since the acqusition and I don't think any shareholder with a level head could or should exspect great things in that short period of time. I don't think any shareholder should be surprised that it has taken a bit of time to bring Geoff's ideas to the production table either. And I don't think we are surprised.

If our shareprice was sitting at $1.50 instead of $.36 we'd be a lot more patient and a lot less frustrated. However that's market, that's the Venture and I can tell you we're not the only company that's gone this route and there will be many more go the same route. The thing is we are that same company that was sitting at $1.50 not long ago but we are now in better shape than we have ever been. I am more confident now than ever in our prospects and I'm confident that DenseLight is going to be a big factor in making our dream come true.

Just the way I see it and am speaking for myself only.


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