POET Technologies Inc.

in response to turr's message

Hi Turr,

Thanks for the, in my opinion, great post. I do think the company is everything we thought it would be, and therefore I haven't sold, in fact as you pointed out for yourself, I am adding to average down. I haven't heard the fundamentals have changed. Time-lines yes, but no required announcements of fundamentally faulty or failed technology. Also, my thought was they must have something physical in hand to present to their roadshow participants. Anyway, if my theory is correct, we should follow Warren Buffet's words of wisdom (paraphrased): When it rains gold, get a bucket, not a thimble. I know some are tapped out, myself included and unable to add until recently, The extremely low sp may represent the raining gold part in the opportunity presented. That is if you believe the technology we're pursuing, the monolithic integrated optical chip, will work. I am not artificially pumping this stock. It would take a certain type of person to do that and I'm not it. Aren't we all in the same boat? I have been taught: Always have a back-up. The sensor/detector seems to be a good back-up. Don't most all devices need and use those. I think many devices would benefit from having a much more sensitive one (or array of them). The time factor is always essential. Management told us they are making the moves to accelerate development and I believe them. Cheers. BT

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