POET Technologies Inc.


What do we think of our rockstar friends, Axe (Ajit) and Slash (Suresh) now huh? I have never thought of Rockstars as purveryors of creating wealth for me, so to have them sell us out is rather predictable. What will be interesting to see is who took down the placement. At least some shares were available to retailers as my order for 100K was filled. The warrants are bloody ridiculous and will certainly mean they will be clipped and flipped.

I can imagine the conversation with the underwriters about the lack of execution by these "Rockstars" and now they want money? First -- Do the work! Stop flying around the globe looking for aquisitions, spending our money like drunken sailors, meeting and greeting "customers" until you have something to sell!! This is a prime example of what happens when middle management types get promoted to upper management. My advice is to get back to the lab and start getting something done so you can try and dig us out of this mess! No investment bank is going to give money to these clowns without the ridiculous terms we have wintnessed. These clowns were played like a cheap pipe organ. I am sure the US platinum investors advised our rockstars to structure this placement and in return gave them some song and dance about how they were going to promote our little company to the Sachs and Scwab's of the world but the truth will be in the months to come when they clip and flip and leave the stage like some groupy with hemaroids and gonorhea.

I will be buying Wednesday after the PP closes because as with all Vulture exchange stocks there is always a bounce after the PP. Given the degree this one was brought down I fully expect a similar bounce.

Rick The Vet

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