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Re: 울산안마く【O1O ⋓ 2165 ⋓ 2776】섹시GIRL▷울산안마 #울산역안마방 울산안마방 울산안마문의 울산도안마 울산출장 울산출장안마 삼산동안마마사지 초이스ℵ달동장안마샵 방어동안마시술소 울산마사지 울산시안마추천 울산안마

WTF Shotokan! Are these $2 thai girls? Excuse me but my Mandarin is a little rusty. Are these the latest Poet girls showing our customers through the showroom.

Domo Arrigato. Kamikaze, shagwa for now.

Rick the Vet

over 7 years ago

  I believe there is a very good chance Subhash did not want to work and live in Singapore. Now that the lab is up and producing and the kinks worked out I think he needed to step back for a little while and only work on a few special projects when needed. I get the feeling he has been putting in 80 hour work weeks getting things up to speed in Singapore and has burnt himself out. Time will tell if he has completed our VCSEL project but I feel he is confident to step back and let others put it into production.

Rick The Vet


over 7 years ago
Shake Up

   I suspect we are shaking things up and reorganizing to get new guys their options and to possibly grant some more to the incumbents before we announce technological advancements next month.

   If we had nothing new to fabricate and market then we wouldn't need these new guys.

  This is a predictable pattern for most stocks.  New guys. New options. Newly discovered share price.  Options in the money to sell and move on to the next company.

Rick The Vet

over 7 years ago
Re: What is a realistic Market Cap for Poet right now?

Nope don't think so! Looks like more smoke and mirrors to try and make up for their own poor decisions.

Rick The Vet

almost 8 years ago
Re: What is a realistic Market Cap for Poet right now?

Wonder how denslight feels? They thought they were getting shares in a valuable company and would get a good return at $1. Now they are more than 70% in the red and Ajit thinks he should squeeze them some more.

   If I would have been on the denselight board Ajit would have had to guarantee the share price for 36 months or else pony up some cash to make up the difference. Maybe that's the reason for the emergency capital raise?


Rick The Vet

almost 8 years ago
BOD Nominee

  I love the idea of one of us on the board.  There are many large institutional types who have a seat on the BOD of many comanies to ensure their representation.   I for one strongly believe that a business type, from a completely different business, would be an asset in bringing ideas, particularly on contracts and NDA's to the table.  It is commonplace, for example, to have completely independant citizens have a place on medical and veterinary association boards so that the common man is represented and has input on what decisions are made.  Eric Sprott holds a number of positions on the BOD of companies.

    Anyone interested in applying for this position or talking about it further please PM me.


Rick The Vet

almost 8 years ago
Red Deer
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