POET Technologies Inc.

in response to oz4m2's message

Dear oz2m2,

Thank you for that brilliant compilation of where POET is heading as regards detectors.

Amidst all the wailing and gnashing of teeth ofthe last days is the announcement of a fact has not been given its due significance here, which you have now excellently illuminated. That is that POET sensors are to be used commercially, hence the Luxmux announcement of 12 Oct 16.

We already know how sensitive the POET detector is. The significance of this is that a POET product will now give Luxmux a significant competitive edge over their competition. This will flag up POET as a leading developer of optoelectronic technology. I particularly like your comment:

I'm amazed by the apparent ease our management has in cherry picking top-notch companies working at the edge of technology.

As you also demonstrate in your post there are many other products that will also benefit from POET Technology. To me the disappointment over what is perceived as a delay in AOC, I personally do not believe that there is a problem just a necessary lag for customer validation and adoption, matters not one jot because POET sensors, the first POET product to market, are going to produce the deflection point already heralded. The company's statements have effectively pointed this out but no heed has been taken whist VCSEL integration and AOC production has taken this boards attention.

I am deeply disappointed, but not with the performance of this company but disappointed how this board has allowed negativity to be built up by certain poster to the point that a minor perceived alarm has caused a rush for the doors and the consequent SP reaction, a home goal if I ever saw one, when in reality we are on the cusp of the promised inflection point.

POET detectors will lead the way to revenue from this point on, coupled with the Denselight sales and then leading to the AOC in due course once the necessary period for marketing, customer testing, and product implementation is allowed to happen .

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