POET Technologies Inc.

in response to gilver's message

JHolmer - you just put a big smile on my face - marvelous thank you - for you Sir

a big smile, yes - our Singapore division executes on plan, in time and confirms the roadmap to extend to 10G and 25G for Long Reach Communications (Laser & Transceiver Development Roadmap) - Sweet.

In regard to “several planned products on this platform” Dr. Suresh Venkatesan tell us a pit more :

THM 00:23:09 – The technology like I said itself is integration. On the POET side we’ve got our first integrated opto-electronic platform that we are working to monetize. And on the indium phosphide side we now have access to quantum-well intermixing technology that DenseLight has invented several years ago, that allows us to create integrated photonic ICs. Then with BB Photonics now we’ve got a new integrated dielectric solution that allows us to differentiate our roadmap. There’s tremendous interest in that kind of technology for most customers that are dealing with what they call Dense WDM system, or Wavelength Division Multiplexing. That’s basically a scenario where you can have lasers with multiple wavelengths coexist on a chip. So that’s really what we’re going to be talking about going downstream with some of these acquisitions and IP. But the common theme in everything that we will build will be integration and we will strive towards integration in everything we do going forward, because that really is the next wave of photonics.

THM 00:29:42 – The other thing we’re working at, we talked about it in the press release, is a new technology with BB Photonics called athermal. We call it wavelength-stabilized. Basically, most lasers require cooling at the system level, because if you don’t cool it the wavelength drifts as a function of temperature. But if you have IP or technology that allows you to stabilize the wavelength as a function of temperature then you can really lower the system costs, because now you don’t need to provide the cooling solution and now you can space your wavelengths really close to each other, which is what BB Photonics brings into play and there is a lot of interest in that technology from big OEMs in the US as well as in Asia. And indium phosphide photonics integration which we talked about.

mhhh ..... but please give’em a wee bit more time.


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