POET Technologies Inc.

in response to PTK's message

I have a gripe.

As investors in a Venture Capital firm we are all gamblers betting that PTI management will create a profitable company that increases the value of our investment. In the long term the question that should conditions our judgement of PTI performance goes alon the lines of - has the likelihood of increasing the value of our investment been enhanced or not by what we heard yesterday in reporting the company's actions and promoting its aims?

The answer is yes of course it has, but many here seem disappointed and a small few seem only able to make a judgement on the potential of this company based not based on the briefings of competent management that we heard but on the multiple effect of emotional reactions to events acting on the current share price.

The benefits of investment are taking the long term, ask Warren Buffet. OK for us longs perhaps but not so for those who get the whiff of the quick buck of opportunity to be made predictively riding the ups and downs of the bronco ride of a Venture SP chart, even minute by minute in some cases. The reporting of this gets very tedious here.

I have no qualms with those of you who wish to ride that particular bronco and wish you every success, but I do invoke a plea not to clog up this boards discussions with weary whining's when you fall off, report missed opportunities or comment on what management should be doing to boost the SP to allow you to make a success of what is in most cases a game of chance. |Clearly, they the management are or should be concerned with the execution of actions to increase share holder value in the long term not the short term or they will soon become a laughing stock. Undoubtedly, there are those who have skills in this area and capacity to predict or regrettably even to influence the SP , but surely the judgement of these factors are best kept as private matters and are not part of the proper discussions on this board according to the Agoracom rules.

There is another type of Venture Capital investor I have great sympathy with and they are those who invest money that is ultimately destined for other life necessities, mortgages, education, health, children etc. Old father time and serendipity will not always be kind to us when we have these constraints but its just bad luck and the reason why we are told not to invest what we cannot afford in Venture. This is gambling with time which sadly runs out. I like Dr Taylor have been listed for a new knee to replace the one injured arthritic aged one caused be playing rugby for my Regiment whilst training in my youth, keeping fit for the rigours of active service in Northern Ireland. That was all serendipity too life with an unreliable leg..

Yes - Heat and Kitchens comes to mind but with sympathy.

Finally, To make this post of some real value the speed issue was well answered by Able. It was a case of one must not compare apples with pears problem really, those previous claims were made during PET days and were made when comparing chips designed for similar applications.

Apparently, despite recent dispute, you can't travel faster than light, but you can turn the light on and off at different frequencies. For good communications this must be done at an agreed rate if you want to convey meaningful data from one end to the other of a connection. To understand the problem imagine the effect of an operator sending out Morse code at 100 characters per minute to another operator only trained to receive code at 25 characters per minute - result no communication, chaos and frustration. Hence data communications are to agreed standards for rate, form and routing etc...

As regards the 2018 positive profitability issue, we have all accepted in the past that evidence of revenue will generate the interest of the markets given sufficient capital being available to cover the negative side of the equation. Any prediction two years ahead will surely be a guesstimates made using best accountancy practice yes but really Akin to holding a wet finger in the air to guess the air speed which is as you know is a very fallible exercise. The implications of this information were meant I am sure to be a positive but were read negatively if one is not aware of accounting principles and their implications - positive intentions aside ideally it should not have been published as it was not necessary for us to know really, given the changing nature of making such predictions. As Eileen has implied was this there for tactical reasons - vous avez raison Madam je pence - I wonder though. As much as there is undoubtedly information that we cannot be told about under NDA does not mean that deals are not done. They certainly exist if one listens disacerningly to the veiled speech and believe the validity of some intelligence reports thatcannot be reportedhere.

sorry for rant ,but at times I reach the limits of patience with this board but fortunately not with POET.


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