POET Technologies Inc.

in response to HTank13's message

Yes, it definitely could be, and quite likely already is.

It's my belief that most of POET has been trialed with the military, as is normally the case with any new high tech device....not to mention the fact that the SBIR funding that OPEL used for several years likely was in return for the development of this type of technology.

Head Up Displays (HUD) have been used in military aircraft for some time now, and more recently been deployed in commercial aircraft as well. This is a normal progression of technology; the military wrings it out and then the public is allowed to make use of it (think GPS).

The reason HUD technology has never been helmut mounted up until now is that the technology was not mature enough, nor small enough to fit all the required components in the desired space (ie. the helmut). It usually involved a combiner glass plate that sat in front of the pilots eyes by a foot or so and the pilot would look through it at whatever was in front of the aircraft (ie. the enemy, or commercially, the runway). In addition to the combiner, the entire system also required a projector unit and a video generation unit. Some also require inputs from either a GPS receiver or inertial navigation units.

All of these components, until recently, were quite bulky and nearly impossible to mount on a helmut.

Next generation HUD's have multiple sensors the can detect eye movement and allow the display unit to display the desired information at the proper location on the helmut visor (ie. in front of the pilots' eyes). This is essential for a helmut, or glass mounted display. The rest of the equipment required to make it work has become much smaller through technological improvements and minaturization.

This is very high tech and really is the basis of AR/VR etc.

This most certainly is one avenue the company is proceeding along.

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