POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Babaoriley's message

babaoriley "from where I sit, I, too, don't understand why the ANAD saga would affect any announcement or status call, granular or otherwise, to be made by POET."

I agree with you and I also don't think it would make any sense that POET is involved in the bidding war for ANAD, not even with a partner. Why would they? What would they gain? POET needs bigger partners and bigger capacity in the future. As for any comments about POET directly buying ANAD, my only comment is I should hope not!!

IMO, the only relationship bwteen POET and ANAD is that POET is a customer of ANAD, and that's it. This does not matter.

I don't think any of this affects POET at all in terms of updates or the current contract. It may affect POET if they want to do further work at ANAD past the current contract, but who knows if that would be the case or whether POET would want to anyways.

My personal stance is that I will be very disappointed if we do not hear anything next week, even just "we will set the date for the CC very soon", although I would prefer a lot more.

Having said that, it will not affect my investment plan, it just might make me grumpy.

Good luck!!

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