POET Technologies Inc.

Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival.
It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.


William Deming's story is one for the ages, not only the business ages but technology as well. During the 1940's Deming, who was a maverick of his time in statistics and business relationships, was many a time rejected by pre-Fortune 500 companies due to his radical ideas on quality and management. It was not until he went to Japan that he found a rabid audience for his ideas (Keiretsu-Quality Circles) that eventually transformed the Japanese from post war basket case to industrial machine. Yes, it was an American who first taught the Japanese that forms todays basis on everything about quality in manufacturing.

Unofficially, (depending upon you talk to older or younger technology and/or history buffs) he is credited with taking the (at the time) so called useless limited usage transistor from America to Japan. Theres a story about Sony and the transistor radio co-credited to Mr. Deming and Akio Morita, as well. Facts and/or legends aside, the man has substantive history behind his name. There is also a story of the first transistor radio being invented in the US. Its interesting to note, no matter who you read about its creation, or usages, the transistor was a game changer.


I read a book in my MBA course years ago which had a chapter on him and his exploits. In that story written from interviews with Deming, he mentions Sony and Nippon Electronics, etc as the first to really undertake his beliefs, followed by many others. He was reputed to have a long and fast friendship with the Sony founder. It made me wonder if he when the first time he saw a Sony transistor radio (I had a bright yellow plastic one with terrible sound quality but worshipped the music that weeped from it). What did he think ? Did he realize his component inertia and what it was going to do for history ? For technology ?

Did he realize this change was an 10-12 year (or longer) overnight success ?

Did he realize he was making or helping to helping to make a worlds first "paradigm" shift from analog to digital ?

Did he realize.......that he was helping create an industry thats become SO pervasive and persuasive in our modern lives....... we could not live without our smartphones and phablets ?.....Crackberry anyone ?

NO, NO, NO...and no.....probably because it was the process and not the product he was commited to. Without process you have no product, without managed enigineering, design, manufacturing, finance, marketing, sales, and packaging...to name a few of the steps involved, you have no end product. If you do, it looks like Homers car he designed for "Uncky Herb". Which inevitably bankrupts his Uncky Herb.

So we now get to the point.

We all want updates, apparently they owe us.

Well I am no different, except that they don't OWE me anything. My money is in because of the technology and because I WANT it there.

Its there because the time line compared to Mr. Demings generation is millenia shorter so to speak. Its there because its the not only the next great big thing, its a life style changer, a convenience improvement machine, an industrial leviathon, a money printing press, ....I can keep on going far into the future with features and benefits.

So if its so good, why not update us ?

Thats right.....and thats why...and thats because its so good and all of the above and much more, that they attracted top industry talent, and now seem poised to bring it to the world. Precisely why they take their time in updating us. They want it told properly, and with colour, and with detail or as much as they can and when they can, legally tell us.

They will update when most advantageous to the product and the project and the company situation, and NOT when we want them to. Whether we like it or not, or deserve it or not

I have a weekend project for you all.

I want everyone who reads this to take ten minutes or more, and think about what your life is, where its going, what you have thats valuable to you. Not monetarily valuable either. If you have children, look at them, touch them, hug them, amaze at their mental and physical dexterities, about how much energy they posess and how much nurture they require from you as an example of how great and wonderful the household they grow in is. I want you to take a spouse, or a significant other, a child, a family member...out for a walk and feel the grass, and the trees and flowers. Awe at the natural world, how harsh and how beautiful it is. Lakes, mountains, pets, maybe even your car, tell them you love them, appreciate their existence and their form, function and feelings.

I have one last part of the project.....

After having done all that, can money pay for any ONE of those things above ? Can it replace one or more of them ?

I wish all of you great health first, and wealth second...I know we will all do very well here.....however, no matter what the price of some stupid stock that I may have owned in past or own now. Up or down or sideways.......

It CAN NOT and WILL NEVER ...................replace the sunshine in a smile and/or a hug from a child, grandchild, a significant other, or a radiant greeting from a pet, or even the feeling from a hand knitted sweater.

...........and no amount of money can ever buy you these treasures..............

...........................if it could I would sell everything I own to get my husband back.

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