POET Technologies Inc.

I think POET management has gone to great lengths to establish itself as being creditable and have understated integrity. Our team is not only smart and savy, they also exude a mature wisdom. They plan to be around for the long term. It is this image, IMO, they wish to project to our industry. Now what do they want? Bottom line is they want success for their customers. They want companies who use POET to prosper and become long term customers. POET offers many permutations or degrees of sophistation or complexity, as they grow and evolve with the industry. The FD-SOI / GaAs combination seems like a good or great starting point. (of course we're not done with them yet, until they adopt the full GaAs substrate and all POET has to offer). My theory is, possibly it will be GF as an early adopter, and to us start out. Of course the foundry they "bought" from IBM doesn't close until tomorrow. How dumb would it be to announce a deal now and upstage GF. Announcements should come in a way that compliment our customers when possible as well as ourselves. It should be forthcoming, but we do want to make our customer to "look good". So we should do what they feel is the best way to announce a new deal. Now it is important to understand this is all conjecture on my part and may be all wrong but surly intriguing given the informations floating around. Maybe we'll get some news soon. Maybe it will come from someone else (customer) or jointly. It does seem to be rather imminent. Again, IMHO. GLTA

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