POET Technologies Inc.

First of all It was my pleasure to meet a few friends from agora, Abe100, Gooch99, Babaoriley, 12 Bikes, KGBINC, MapleSyrup, Andy7. The purpose of my trip was to be sure that my investment is secure and now after the meeting I have no doubt. To avoid repetition I will add a few more points about the Q/A.
These were the question asked by me...

Q: How many companies have expressed interest in poet? Are the numbers increasing?
A: The answer was that more and more big companies are interested now and and they call us and ask us about the technology and discuss what we can do for them.

Q: Does the BAE continue to show interest in poet especially in the military side?
A:Our relationship with BAE continues to grow and I cannot comment on the military application side of this.

Q: Do you believe a RS is required and when you move to the NASDAQ will you stay on the TSX too?
A: We will never do RS on at the weak point and when we move to the NASDAQ we want to stay there. So if the RS is required to take our SP to $12-$15 to keep us on the NASDAQ but we hope that will not need that. Regarding the TSX, that will be decided by the BOD but we intend to be there too.

Q: What are the potential commercial applications (low hanging fruit) not shooting to the moon..
A: The mandate of the new CEO is to do that ASAP (Ajit said that there is no honeymoon for them). They are already ideas for what will be the product and we will continue to add from there.

That was in the general meeting. In my private meetings I asked the following questions.

Q: Is Pinetree still committed to poet as before and why are they selling?
A: Pinetree is committed as ever. We cannot comment if they sold but they have a strong belief in poet and will continue with their support.

Q: Some of the investors including myself believe that our NRs in the past was vague in the past. It that a fair assumption?
A: I will assure you that the BOD has the best interests of the shareholders and we release what we can.
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