POET Technologies Inc.

....is in order. I have not left, I have not stopped availing myself of the forums contents. I have however, stopped posting. Unfortunately that is mainly due to several people who feel the need to denigrate me, my gender and my opinions via the PM system. I think you know who those individuals would be. I am not sure if I will do so again.

I can still be contacted through email and/or if necessary through the PM system on AG.

If you have questions, or wish to bring a subject up for discussion then don't hesitate to do so.

You/we are a lucky group here, we have some of the greatest minds for the technology seen outside of the lab, providing content and answering questions and even regulating the temperature of the board. You have people willing to give of their own free time to provide expertise, example and even a little excitement once in a while. So one last "pump". You have a world class opportunity here. It will save a billion dollar industry, and keep trillions of dollars of economic circulation.....circulating.

Back the forum, as with most every human group endeavour, there exists that element of vacuous skull related anencephaly. Quite ready and willing to destroy organized and capable thought, at the behest of there own ingeniousness and stupidity. They would be the ones that offer critique where none exists or is required.

Don't let it be ruined by these elements.

Lastly a very heartfelt thank you for all the kind words.

All the best.

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