POET Technologies Inc.

Our CFO is a well educated Ivy leaguer who has Wall Street history in his CV and markets in his blood. He is an active player on the US side in blue chip stocks, and a noted "Buffetologist". He has a nice shareholding in POET and is a big believer in the technology and its effect it will have and the up coming common vernacular use of the word "mania", that I have put forth in past.

He feels (as do I) once this goes to the world stage of the NASDAQ, finance and tech industry promotion, social media, mass media, and word of mouth will all dynamically converge to form a perfect storm of opportunity. Not only for the company but for the companies stock as well. If you though the fruit company pumped out numbers, just wait.

I have tried to get him to post on the board but he will not. So I thought of coercion, and nothing, then after threatening him with limiting the office Caffeine content he finally relented and said he would assemble what he felt were relevant commentaries for me to post. Its his opinion that people should assemble as much information possible before making any important decisions.

In my own words, I will leave you to link any potential relationships (speculative or otherwise) with our situation, in his words, "surely only a select few seem to or can imagine or grasp what is shortly to be hurtling at them in the form of an over arching global industrial tornado, all at warp speed".

What follows are a few examples and some great reading, of some of the more germane subjects related to POET that he wanted brought to the board.


The Worlds Biggest Short Squeeze

Much has been made about the shorts in our trading history, and their effect. Many have expressed what carnage a short squeeze would cause.

In one of the biggest short squeezes of all time, Volkswagen became "the world's priciest firm" over the course of a single day of trading. At the time, it was believed that Volkswagen was an independent entity in the automotive manufacturing industry. The market held an overwhelmingly bearish outlook on the company's prospects; as a result, the firm was victim to an unusually high amount of short sellers. A short seller is an individual that borrows shares from another party, usually a brokerage, in order to sell the security at its current price and buy it back at a lower one. Obviously, the effectiveness of the strategy is contingent upon the security actually depreciating in value. If the security's price increases, a short seller's exposure to a loss is unlimited.

On Oct. 28, 2008, Porsche announced that it had a 74% ownership share in Volkswagen, taking over its operations. No advance notice was given. Porsche accomplished this in the derivatives market over a prolonged period of time. In the craze that followed, institutions and individuals alike fought tooth and nail to liquidate their short positions as fast as they could. Some sold at prices over 1,000 euros each, briefly making Volkswagen the largest company in the world by market capitalization. The company was up over 93% at its highest point during the one day of trading. Investment funds such as Elliot Associates, Elliot International, The Liverpool Limited Partnership, Perry Partners, Perry Partners International, DE Shaw Valence International and York Capital Management Europe (UK) Advisors quickly moved to press charges against Porsche for intentionally hiding its investment activities from the public eye.

Volkswagen Stock increase

A Black Swan Event

A black swan event is a seemingly impossible outcome; for example, a Fortune 500 firm discovered falsifying its reported income, or a natural disaster that wipes out a company's competition. When a black swan event occurs, the market comes to realize that its expectations were wildly misplaced and a market correction of massive proportions ensues.

Gateway Industries is a success story spawned by a black swan event. Gateway Industries "provides database management services and Website design and maintenance for national not-for profit, healthcare and publishing entities." The company traded for 1 cent a share and was not known to be an extraordinary firm, even within the penny stock market. The company had one employee, its CEO, Jack Howard, and did not seem to be particularly special.

However, on Feb. 11, 2011 it was announced that Robert F.X. Sillerman would be acquiring Gateway Industries. The announcement was completely unexpected. Robert F.X. Sillerman, a world famous media entrepreneur, needed a company such as Gateway Industries in order to fulfill his vision of facilitating interaction between television viewers and shows. The effect was instantaneous: Gateway Industries' stock immediately jumped over 20,000% to $2.97 a share, a move based on Sillerman's reputation alone. Sillerman then consolidated Gateway Industries with a handful of other firms to create his start-up firm, Viggle Inc.

Google [X]

Robot workers, driver-less cars, internet-connected refrigerators, and space elevators are just a few examples on the list of ideas at the Google [X] Lab. While it has only released brief, tentative ideas, Google [x] will undoubtedly be the harbinger for much of the world’s future technologies, and the amount of secrecy surrounding it only bolsters the latter prediction. Likened by one familiarized engineer as functioning similar to the CIA, Google [X] is run primarily by two offices – one vaguely described as being for logistics, the other, in a secret location unbeknownst to most Google employees, specifically for robots.


Ground Zero: San Francisco Bay Area - Peter Leyden

Published on Mar 12, 2015

Epicenter for the Reinvention of America
and Building of a 21st-Century Civilization


How big is Apple-stock mania!

By Matt Krantz February 27, 2015 12:17 pm

Apple (AAPL) is a one-stock mania that’s reaching proportions approaching the entire dot-com bubble – at its peak.

At its current market value of $756.5 billion – an all-time record for any U.S. stock – Apple alone is worth half of the combined market value of the Internet bubble at the March 2000 peak, according to data from S&P Capital IQ.

The fact Apple’s market value is half of the Internet bubble quantifies what many of people suspect – Apple is a one-stock mania. Back in the dot-com boom, investors were infatuated with scores of relatively small companies that in sum amounted to a massive block of the market. Today, that same enthusiasm is concentrated in just a single stock. Apple continues to be the one and only stock many investors care about – creating a single-minded infatuation that rivals historic crazes in the past.


This new era won’t be based on solid state physics, the science that led to transistors, but on quantum information, the strange rules that govern the sub-atomic world. Two Nobel Prizes were awarded for discoveries in the field just this past year. New quantum computers have the potential to be millions of times faster than even our most powerful supercomputers today, quantum cryptography will usher in a new era of super-secure transactions and quantum storage will achieve unparalleled density


Apple has begun to order components for a new class of iPhone, believed to be a small-screened version of the current iPhone 6, according to reports from China.

The company's plans for its smartphone line-up remain the subject of much speculation, with analysts backing a range of different options.

In recent weeks, Ming-Chi Kuo, an analyst at KGI Securities with a good track record of getting access to Apple's plans, had been gaining support for his claim that Apple has abandoned plans to release an iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in autumn this year, and will instead skip straight to the iPhone 7.

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