POET Technologies Inc.

Knock Knock

Who's there?

"It's Tony Blevins."

"Welcome. C'mon in we're just geting started.

Knock Knock

Who's there?

"It's Todd DeBonis and David Lazovsky."

"Welcome. C'mon in guys, we're just geting started.

Knock Knock
Who's there?

"It's Eric Scmidt."

"Welcome. C'mon in we're just geting started.

Knock Knock

"Who's there? "

"It's Eitan Gertel from Finisar, and I brought our Corporate Layer."

"Welcome. C'mon in we're just geting started."

Knock Knock

"Who's there?"

"It's Lisa Su from AMD, and I brought our Corporate Layer."

"Welcome. C'mon in we're just geting started."

Knock Knock

"Who's there?"

"It's Jackie Sturm GM global sourcing and procurement at Intel, and I brought our Corporate Layer."

"Welcome. C'mon in we're just geting started."

"Ok I think we are all here. We're just waiting on..."

Knock Knock Knock

"Oh there you are guys. Ajit, Geoff, Stephen... I beleive you've met everyone from our prior meetings."

"Maybe now we can get started and pick up where we left off the last time."

[dicker dicker] [yack yack] [dot dot dot]...

Knock Knock

"Who can that be? Nobody else was invited...."

"Hello, it's Larry Elison and I heard you folks were meeting"."

"Ummm - this is a closed meeting."

"I have a previously signed NDA and this is too critical for me not to attend."

"Ok then, join us. Now - back to the beginning".

[dicker dicker] [yack yack] [dot dot dot]...

Knock Knock

"Now what...!!!"

"Hello. We are with the OSC and have brought along our countrerparts from the SEC."

"We were expecting you - please come in."

"Now where were we - ah yes, I was just saying..."

"We have to go back to the beginning of our last meeting becaause we have additional interested parties that just joined us - and this has impacted discussions to date".

[dicker dicker] [yack yack] [dot dot dot]...

Knock Knock
"Who can that be?"

Knock Knock

Knock Knock

Knock Knock

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