POET Technologies Inc.

I was going to say before we get carried away but it seems it might be too late for that.

1. It would be highly unusual for a company (even POET) to appoint someone to an internal committee only to announce him as President three or four weeks later. This simply doesn`t make any sense. You will recall the announcement of Mr. Blevins was strange in itself as it included no resume to support this particular appointment which only encouraged this board to do its own research and thus the Apple connection.

2. It makes even less sense that Apple would allow a current VP to sit on this committee without any legal or binding relationship in the form of a licensing agreement, first right of refusal or ownership position. Did Blevins really work for Apple three weeks ago

2. Mr. Blevin`s background at Apple is in Procurement, Supply Chain. It would be again highly unusual for his next step to be as CEO of a disruptive technology company. Other than being a VP at Apple what would qualify him for this role. Ajit would know as many if not more of the key semi people as Mr Blevins and would very likely be far more knowledgeable of the tech, licensing agreements etc

3. In less than three weeks POET has twice been announced as a guest on BNN and both times the appearance was abruptly cancelled with no explanation from POET itself. On this most recent occasion the appearance was cancelled within hours of appearance. Very very unprofessional and would suggest horrible planning. You do not make this same mistake twice in a month.

4. There has been absolutely nothing from the company since the financials were released two weeks ago and we have been left to do what we do best, speculate on everything from the next CEO to $100 billion buyouts. Buried in the financials was a mention of delayed milestones as a result of equipment installation problems and I for one was left feeling a little queasy as to whether we got the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

5. In early February at the CIC conference, PC suggested all the ducks were in line for the march to the NASDAQ. SO far the ducks have been Tony Blevins on TRAB without any resume stated justifying the appointment and the appointment of two new directors.

There must be a lot more ducks cause so far we are no closer to a NASDAQ listing.

Overall, in my opinion the last month has been a PR disaster for this company and I am left wondering who is in charge. Who is pulling the strings

Your thoughts please

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