POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Infocus's message

Infocus, welcome aboard and great post!

"POET is disruptive. No one is arguing that point, although not all the major industry players have recognized it yet. That should soon change. ... This is a fairly simplistic thought process, but one that leads to a single conclusion, once the disruptive nature of POET is recognized."

How well the tech works and how easily and eonomically the chips it can be mass produced are questions that many still have, notwithstanding that most on this board feel it's a foregone conclusion. If the tech is actually disruptive, and can be used ubiquitously, and that fact is recognized and acknowledged by a few select companies, then our position is beyond solid. Still, there are always risks, patent protection/infringement, for example, but whatever they are, there are always risks.

So, I do believe that the tech (or the company) can be sold for an amount that is likely to be satisfactory to us, and to any acquiror. If only one company is willing to take a risk on POET, then we won't get the value we think we deserve, if we sell to that one company (or consortium). It does not seem likely to me that only one company will have active interest in pursuing the POET tech.

I think POET sitting back and licensing the tech would be most lucrative for us in the long run, but I'd prefer a reasonable buy out (I'll know it when I see it) in the next year or so, as the risk is then passed on to someone else. That's worth a whole lot to me, notwithstanding that I like speculative stocks as much as anyone!

One other thing, the share price has not kept pace with the speculation on the Board these last several trading days, but it still is very nice, especially when we finish up in the last few moments of trading as opposed to the former pattern.

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