POET Technologies Inc.


Assuming our interviewer knows all about POET may be a mistake. You know what they say about assuming. Would it be a good idea to ask Mr. Michael Hainsworth to watch the CIC idea for background information and reference? Perhaps we could make a condensed version as it does inform the viewer all about POET. I think even more so in the transcript version. He probably isn't that familiar with it, and therefore may not realize the profound ramifications of what we have. Also, maybe an indirect reference to our Dr. Taylor and the possibility of the Nobel Prize. Also we might mention Dr. Ajit's Manocha's inspired, innovative, and highly relevant Fab 2.0 plan.

Maybe touch upon all the verticle markets POET will touch, and the extremely basic yet unique optical capabilities the industry is striving for. Especially for the server farms as well as the mobile world with the integrated Soc, and the order of magnitude in savings to build out, its speed, and and efficiency in that it runs cool, at room temperature. Also the fact that it utilizes Silicon fabrication techniques protocol, tried and proven in the real world.

Thanks so much to you Rainer. You would be perfect for this, and if I might be so bold as to say that, even though we haven't met yet, I feel like I have friends in Canada, and Germany. Your work, enthusiasm, positive and knowledgable input, and evenhandedness are greatly appreciated.

BNN is absolutley HUGE. What an opportunity after all that patience, and what a compliment to our Forum, for the BoD to reach out to us and ask for input. Lets get something from Elieen for sure, maybe relating to the profound impact POET will have on the industry, society, and investors, and everything else it touches, and of course FJ who does have a wonderful way of explaining things, and great leadership skills with a sometimes unruley bunch. We totally need something from our very own DNWL. We do have some very special folks here. I guess it is a small wonder given the company and technology we have invested in. Lots of very intelligent folks here

I think finding a CEO who is has the gravitas capable of managing Dr. Manocha, Dr. Taylor, and Tony Blevins is not going to be easy. It will take a special person - another visionary.

I'll put away the pom poms for now. Thought I'd try to add some thoughts to this opportunity.


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