POET Technologies Inc.

Good day for POET Longs!!

I think this was just a teaser news release, with many more in a series to follow. Peter Copetti is a capital markets guy, so I would assume he knows how to create a strategic plan to maximize the effect of news on a stock price. As he stated in the CIC meeting "Because when you decide to list to the Nasdaq, you have to have a run-up to the Nasdaq, then you have to have coverage, and then you have to have news afterwards. We have to make sure that we have all those things in place if were are doing it. Now we feel we do.".

As a group collectively on this board, I don't think the BAE third party foundry link was a surprise to us, but good to have something official announced.

One thing that got my attention from the news today "The Company intends to provide a full financial update with the filing of annual audited financial statements and Management Discussion and Analysis which will be issued in April. Further details of the aforementioned third party services contract will be provided at that time.". I keep asking myself why the details would not be provided in this new release given we are so close to the release of the financials. Could it be that POET is too lazy to repeat any details in the news release, I don't think so. Could it be that other news releases are imminent prior to the release of the financials, I do think so.

We formed a stronger base today, hoping this will continue, then bring on some spectacular news releases, then up we go significantly and from a higher starting point = maximize the effect of news on a stock price.

PS. It will take awhile for many in the market to get up to speed on these news releases, so I would anticipate further positives on the stock price over time. Maybe some articles will come out with POET and APPLE both documented, that would get the attention of many. Not to mention other developments that are expected in the near term.

PSS. As for eating the lunch of others, it does not appear that they will be eating APPLES.

What is next (and when)?

Good luck!!

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