POET Technologies Inc.

in response to brightech's message

There was definitely a lot of noise today but really apart from everything else I want everyone to recognize a significant example of just how good POET is as provided by a comparison to what IMEC is doing in silicon photonics. You might want to skip to the bottom.

Imec demonstrates compact wavelength-division multiplexing CMOS silicon photonics transceiver

18 hours ago

Today, at the 2015 International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), nanoelectronics research center imec, in collaboration with Tyndall National Institute, the University of Leuven (KULeuven) and the Ghent University, demonstrated a 4x20Gb/s wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) hybrid CMOS silicon photonics transceiver, paving the way to cost-effective, high-density single-mode optical fiber links.
Hybrid CMOS silicon photonics transceivers, transmitting and receiving data over single-mode optical fiber, are expected to play a key role in next-generation datacenter connectivity. By leveraging existing CMOS manufacturing and 3-D assembly infrastructure, the hybrid CMOS silicon photonics platform enables high integration density and reduced power consumption, as well as high yield and low manufacturing cost. Combined with wavelength division multiplexing capability, highly scalable single-mode optical transceivers can be constructed, satisfying the growing need for interconnect bandwidth in next-generation cloud infrastructure.

Imec's CMOS silicon photonics transceiver comprises a silicon photonics (SiPh) chip, flip-chip integrated with a low-power 40nm CMOS chip. The SiPh chip, fabricated on imec's 25Gb/s Silicon Photonics Platform (iSiPP25G), comprises an array of four compact 25Gb/s ring modulators, coupled to a common bus waveguide to allow WDM transmission. On the receive side, a ring-based, low-loss (2dB) demultiplexing filter with 300GHz channel spacing is implemented and further connected to an array of four 25Gb/s Ge waveguide photodetectors. Both the ring modulators and the ring WDM filters include highly efficient integrated heating elements to tune their resonant wavelengths to the desired WDM channels. The CMOS chip includes four differential 20Gb/s ring modulator drivers and four 20Gb/s trans-impedance amplifiers. A 12 channel single-mode fiber array is packaged onto the grating coupler array on the chip, using a planar approach developed at Tyndall National Institute.

Error-free operation was demonstrated in a 20Gb/s loop-back experiment for all four WDM channels as well as with two channels running together. The dynamic power consumption of the transceiver, including the CMOS driver and receiver, was less than 2pJ/bit. Thermal tuning of the WDM channel wavelengths consumed only 7mW/nm per channel. The transceiver can be further scaled to higher bandwidth capacity by adopting more advanced CMOS technology and by adding more WDM channels, enabling optical modules for 100GbE, 400GbE and beyond for future datacenter interconnects.

Now compare this with what POET’s near term solution offers.


Optical Interconnection of High Speed Circuits


POET (near term)

Current Silicon Photonics Solution

POET energy used compared to benchmark

transmit power





4mW @ 15 Gb/s

36mW @ 5Gb/s

receive power





6.3 mW @ 15 Gb/s

28 mW @ 5 Gb/s

IMEC solution: The dynamic power consumption of the transceiver, including the CMOS driver and receiver, was less than 2pJ/bit.

POET near term solution power requirement .27 pj/bit transmit and .42 pj/bit receive. That is up to 7.4 times better in what is called POETs near term solution.

Now consider what POETs long term solution offers the following as per the white paper:

These metrics continue to improve with scaling of feature size from the near term values stated above towards the 40-nm node since the transmitter and receiver are directly linked to a device size rather than a circuit. Upon completion of a fully functioning optical VLSI circuit, POET would successfully address multiple high speed markets most notably the high speed processors and SoCs with embedded memory and high end optoelectronic switches.

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