POET Technologies Inc.


Looks like the board got sidetracked or highjacked today. IMHO, No need to bicker here, lets stick to what we do best-Due Diligence. Post revelant articles, research, connect dots, etc. FJ, you do so much to help this board, I don't mind hearing your story, and if you include the name of the stock fine. We're all grown-ups here (I think). We talk about other stocks all the time ie. Pinetree, Any, Intel, Apple. However we reach the NASDAQ, our technology stays the same and after all, that's what we're selling. I could be called a pom pom but not a blind one. Never the less I have seen no eveidence that would have any long term diminishing effect on the intrinsic value of POET. All I have seen is evidence that would enhance the potential for positioning and selling our product over an extremely broad and growing market.

One thing I would like to see is a positive NR on Monday, on the heels of the news that Intel is acknowledging our technology, (indirectly) that the III-V platform is the right one, the one that works, as we research node reduction, speed, and heat issues, and run into problems with Silicon. We are here with the right stuff at the right time, with the right people at the helm. Maybe we can leverage the fact that the industry, including Intel, can see the future is not with Silicon, but with III-V, the stuff we use, and it is time to join with us, collaborate, as we move forward, so as an industry, we can move forward

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