POET Technologies Inc.

SATURDAY MORNING SPECULATION ALERT........................................................

(My attention here is not to pom pom nor is it to provide agravation. Moreso to provide a point of intersection and disciussion of an "alternative "mounting of the NASDAQ mountain.)

In the technology business, and idea can go from feasible to plausible to outdated in a nanosecond. Much the same is a career in the business that overturns personnel like a gardener does a flower bed. Its a hard climb to the top, on the way you make some contacts and some friends and a few enemies as well. The one thing you learn though in that ascent, is to listen, and absorb.

In our man Mr. Manocha's world, the contacts, friends and colleagues you make and work with are top echelon, gold standard, (globally) highly regarded professionals. It showed in the CIC video with his comment regarding his former company and its current CEO. His connective ability. So then, through some extensive due diligence of our office POET group and industry contacts of my own, its evident our Mr. Manocha has some extensive degrees of relation to the NASDAQ exchange and executives. Serving on related panels and boards, and ad hoc advisories with officials from the exchange and having dealt directly with them in past positions.


The crown jewel, the tigers eye, the hope diamond, the panacea for a trillion dollar industry. There was a past post months ago I read where someone had used the term "king maker" with respect to the POET product(s). So on these moniker like assumptions, lets say that the exchange people and our good man have had some back and forth discussions regarding the product, its global potential and effects therein. Leaving the exchange with the realization of the fact that he who controls this marketing side of the bucking bronco of a product that is POET. The exchange management would see this exclusive listing attempt to one better that stuffy, staid and pants up too high exchange competitor the dreaded blueblooded NYSE.


Now accepting of Supposition One, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, we can legitimately assume that the exchange people seeing the potential of the POET product will indeed want to have this crown jewel and its resultant future of prosperity and intellectual cachet and value creation. Therefore, before the aforementioned NYSE becomes involved and while the legend is still in its relative infancy, discussions would be had and a deal could be reached.


The exchange, seeing the perils of term delay, and the other end of the seesaw effectively being control of a global leviathon, makes haste and substantially relaxes requirements in this "one time" and "historic" situation ? A special "dispensation" ? Waiving of stipulations in lieu of future years benefits ? Giving it all that much more promotability, and first line access to the end game benefits of the crown jewel.

Or am I just a crazy old lady ? As I have mentioned, and in my defense, these things can and do happen...... I will leave it there for the moment.

Its of great interest to this writer, what may, will or can be done and if the exchange will indeed realize the marketing gold mine they have here....sort of an INTEL INSIDE....x10......or......"POWERED BY POET".............and the NASDAQ.

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