POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Ark88's message

It was reassuring to hear Peter talk about recognizing the conditions required to meet the NASDAQ listing. To not only have the news to meet the initial NASDAQ listing requirements but to be in a position to provide follow-on news to maintain the share price for approval. I also found it reassuring that Peter recognizes that the job he was hired for was to prepare this company to reach this point in time and that a new person with the right back ground to be determined by Ajit is now required to take this company over as CEO.

I know that I have made reference to pivotal points in time for this company in the past and there have no doubt been many but I think this time around we really will see the fruits of POETs labour. The environment that exists in the semiconductor world just seems to be at a point where this technology will really be sought by so many companies. In other words I think that once POET announces the first deal many companies will be eager to close a deal with POET to insure they do not miss the opportunity. I think Ajit said is best.

So whose lunch will we eat? I don’t know.

But people who believe in innovation, who believe in disrupting the industry, they will eat the lunch of the big players. They are going to be our partners and they will eat, maybe Intel’s lunch, or Samsung’s lunch I am not going to specify………………………………………………………………………….. The early adopters.

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