TheEfficientFrontier's Profile

TheEfficientFrontier's Posts

Re: Go Ottawa! eom


over 9 years ago
Re: How to destroy good momentum in 1 press release...

That's the kind of transparency you want the company to have? Where they mask setbacks with good news? What if there's no good news for them to cover it up with? You would rather they just keep it to themselves?

I am ..... Confused.

over 9 years ago
Re: TSX Venture

You want us to do better with our news? So would the rest of us, but I think it's important to manage your expectations.

KEK went from .88 (closing price on March 24th) to 2.10 on that news yesterday and continued to $2.50 today (before diving down to the closing price of $1.57). Despite that massive drop, they're still up almost 90% from their SP prior to the NR. Sure, I would love to see us do better but I think a lot of people here would/should be pretty ok with those gains over a single trading day .....

over 9 years ago
Re: Peter is a "capital markets guy"

If you're so uncomfortable with management's performance and the lackluster impact of Ajit's "magical rolodex", then maybe it's time for you to sell your shares and move on to another investment? Seriously, who could possibly have so many negative things to say about the way a company is being run/managed and then still hold shares in the company?

over 9 years ago
Re: re: vacation schedule

This board is becoming a joke? People spend hours upon hours of their own personal time to discuss POET, the technology and the market here. They share their knowledge and expertise and keep people informed ... I think a little fun once in awhile is important.

If you don't like the state of this board, feel free to visit stockhouse.

over 9 years ago
Re: We can have our cake and eat it too.

As far as I know: You would only be triggering a taxable event once you actually sell the shares and realize a capital gain. I think the only tax consequence for you would be if the new shares have quarterly/annual dividends - in which case you have to pay taxes on the dividend.

over 9 years ago
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