POET Technologies Inc.


You ask yourselves, why does she do that ? Well......theres much between the lines in the business that can be gleaned by reading some of these daily articles.

The last examples of news just posted could, on occasion, give us some clues as to whats coming for PTK in the future.

How so ?

-The Chinese and Indian brands will be of interest to watch how fast they grow, price points used, target markets, features and functions, and how much market share they will garner.

-As margins are slim, how long before they, like the rest of the world gravitates towards our product ?

-Regarding Apple, interesting to keep an eye on what moves they make and with whom.

-Apple needs to keep the streak going and the earnings streak growing. They need a new product or two and if not ready require some sort of technology upgrade in existing lines to keep consumers, shareholders, and analysts happy.

-Samsung is in the same boat as Apple. New and fresh ideas are hard to come by and while you are working on those, a technology upgrade or two will suffice until they become market ready.

-Apples iwatch, the first new product in a while has been held back. Chip orders cancelled, and the fact that it needs recharging every 2 hours will be a huge negative to the consumer.....interesting.

-Samsung has a secret development section that industry rumours have it working on a 4D technology. Like the virtual reality Sony Playstation under development, this needs time for further research and development. Therefore product existing product lines carry the day for now.

-Samsung is in a bit of paradox in its relationship with Apple, on one hand a division is on good rapport with Apple, and then another one is seen as undermining or stealing features from Apple.

-Apple has billions in cash on the books.For what ? Share buy backs...yes...R and D...yes, acquisitions ....yes....but even that latest pick up can stale if their products lines don't remain hot. For example look up Facebooks purchase of Oculus Rift.

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