POET Technologies Inc.

in response to robvanhooren's message

"maybe his grandkids got married. and he bought his wife some shiny for a big anniversary. or you know ... something rewarding for years of nose-to-the-grindstone.

maybe it's a bullish signal in disguise that he's achieved something to be rewarded for, that isn't allowed to be announced (yet!).

it's not always dark clouds and boogeymen, people!"

Rob, give me a break. Those are all pretty lame excuses if you ask me. Its $400,000+ . I've been struggling and sacrificing for years in order to keep my POET shares, and you are telling me that someone needs 400K at once and can't wait it out. If its for a house, take a mortgage for now! Yeah, yeah, every person has their financial reasons. Every time an insider sells some shares, the exact same line gets posted by a dozen people. I guess every insider has the same need for hundreds of thousands at once. Let me remind you, this is not pocket change for most and unless you are already a millionaire and used to big spending, 99% of people can get by without needing that kind of money at once or find alternatives. I have, and everyone I know is able to, and I will continue to do so until we hopefully finally reap the rewards of our patience.

And for your information, its mostly been dark clouds and boogeyman to this point, so don't kid yourself. Personally, I am still underwater on shares I bought in 2011, and almost all the shares I have been able to buy this year. Please put a positive spin on that.

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