POET Technologies Inc.


In my humble opinion this stock needs to correct after its recent run up from the 90 cent range.

Once again the company jargon leaves more questions than it does answers. Clock speeds have not been revealed from the 100nm range and now are being reduced further to 40nm? Why? They are now saying the speed of their chip will be equivalent to 3 nodes reductions in CMOS? This is hardly the 100X they were touting a few months ago and which still exists on their website. What really is going on?

While these recent developments seem very optomistic this information is being preached to the choir who is already sitting in the front pews (Us the current sharholders) If you are new to the game having read the last news releases why would you commit capital to the game given the large number of questions which remain to be answered.

The recent sell off has IMO occurred because speculators bought in as the stock moved up recently. With no great "pop" and the results of the third part fab not ready to be released for a minimumm three months there is nothing to hold this speculative money in our stock and it will flow out.

To me if this stock remains above $1.50 for the next 5 to 10 trading days I will take that as a bullish sign that we will break $1.80 soon. I am sure we will see the price rise on speculation yet again as the results of the third party fab come closer to fruition.

I think the recent short "buy-ins" have lowered the risk of a short attack driving us down to the 90 cent level but you never can be sure with any stock. I feel in most cases these short attacks are orchestrated by the brokerage house themselves using their own clients as victoms. In this regard there is real need for legislation and restriction of this technique.

Rick The Vet

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