POET Technologies Inc.

Dear fellow investors in POET,

As POET shareholders, our reporting year is effectively from AGM to AGM. The question is where do we stand one year on from the 2013 AGM?

The reality is that one year on and post AGM 2014 this company has demonstrated that it has delivered in terms of the business, the development of the POET process and from my point of view, with 3 times my original investment, the share price. The fact is under PC’s leadership and GT’s genius this company has delivered on its promises and more. We have every right to feel confident in terms of management, the product, good finances and as I report below, the future.

We now advance into a new shareholders’ year with the prospect of the newly recruited Executive Vice Chairman, Ajit Manocha, using his prestigious talents and connections to develop his visionary views for this industry, through his obvious awareness that it is the POET paradigm, with its disruptive potential, that is going to take the lead in a new world IC order after the advantages of CMOS Silicon ebbs away.

This is in itself very exciting, but there are two more key factors which the debate on this board have deduced, one is that the discernible risks to POET are manageable, and two, that thanks to Pellegrino 2 and Eileen’s marketing vision, that there is a big market out there, and that the take up of POET by that market could be on a mind boggling scale.

I can hardly retain myself from saying that as investors we are seriously in danger of becoming very wealthy. I suspect that this fact is slowly dawning on others and shortly there will be an event which will herald the start of a voyage of the good ship POET, from the doldrums we have been in, heading to the trade winds and the profitable trading routes of the world. Only a little more patience is needed.

(IMO) For those without passages booked it’s time to buy your tickets.


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