POET Technologies Inc.

in response to PoetryinMotion's message
So there it is. Plain as day. We now have our first confirmation that one of our insiders has sold shares. The marker was not incorrect this time around. Sorry folks as this sight will not allow me to cut and paste the actual image using my IPad, so I will "hand input" the info presented. The Sedi report indicates the following: On August 1st of 2014, Mr. Sheldon Intenwash sold 500,000 (indirectly held) shares @ $1.42 into the public market from his RRSP. Transaction number 2514370. Filing date is August 6, 2016 leaving him with 4,412,500. You bet investment houses picked up on that filing this afternoon once it was published. Must give us pause and raise many questions. The AGM will be a very interesting place to be. This quote is from a very experienced venture capitalist friend of mine: "Naked shorters or not, many stocks destroyed by bad price action. The only savior to this one now is a true fundamental positive business outcome, which I suspect will take months/years to realize.  They either have it near or not. Tech disruption is a big difficult deal because of deeply entrenched interests.  Kudos to Tesla for succeeding to the extent it has.  Right now seems only positive thinking that "someday" they will commercialize.  "Someday" does not work for venture markets.  Must be close or this will sag and lag for weeks, months or maybe years.  Hate to say bad things but many years experience speaks louder than dreams.  Got to stay over the 200 ma daily and above 50 weekly ma.  Either way this looks like a very long haul on faith only."  Good luck to us all, as there seems to be something important we are not being told. Derekwpg
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