POET Technologies Inc.

PTK has been trying to get onto the Nasdaq and want to get there ASAP. It's also quite obvious the manipulation that has existed whenever we get above the striking point for qualifying. We head above and then quickly retrace back down and aren't allowed to pass it for 5 consecutive days even after the great NR's last week (and I mean GREAT).

Now what are PTK's options? Keep going the course when obviously Ajit and their senior management beleive they need to get onto a senior exchange? When they release quality NR after quality NR and it's still manipulated below?

It's obvious this "potential" R/S is management essentially telling the market to "F$%# off" and to stop manipulating the stock and the 5:1 is them saying that any way you want to try and go about this we're going to be on the Nasdaq one way or another. Proposing 2:1 gives the manipulators another more "realistic" point for them to try and attack and drive the price down. 5:1 is essentially them saying enough is enough and we're going to get there.

I doubt it's 5:1 but maybe it will be... who cares. Some people on here have zero understanding on the market and just the failed basic math calculations make me cringe. We're not going to retrace back to pre-split levels. Give me a break. Will be stay at the same market cap, no. We will likely lose a bit but there is a reason they are pushing so hard to get onto the Nasdaq. You don't just try and get onto the Nasdaq to get onto the Nasdaq. You do it for a reason and all those that are going to take their "x" number of shares and vote no are just a hindrance on the company and their goals.

My 0.02$

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