more88's Profile

more88's Posts


Be careful , these were grab samples which are alway`s higher because of erosion.what `s below could be much lower or came from ice drag.

almost 8 years ago

What has happened in the last year,what happened to the Vcessl report that we were to hear about in 2 to 3 weeks and alot of other milestones.???????

about 8 years ago
Re: The talk on new options/rs

I believe thet their well be a new r/s of 5 to 10 for 1.I am not impressed with the share price.As with CO. everything keeps getting put down the road. I had alot of shares however 2&1/2 years ago my wife got cancer,i lostover 60% of my investment for related cost`s.I have been in opl for over 6 years ,hoping to make a few dollars.I guess i will not can`nt hold out much longer,2018 is too late for me.

over 8 years ago
april 15

I well be gone as well.

over 8 years ago
Had to sell

My wife has stage 4 cancer,and two bag`s on her for stool and fluid`s.This has become very cost`ly.I have had to sell a lot of shares,to help.I now hold 15,000 shares, but i do not know how long i can hold on to them.I have held over 40,000 shares since around 6 year`s ago,that`s how much i believe in this CO..bUT I AM AFRAID I AM GOING TO BE PUSHED OUT.i NEED NEWS AND A GOOD UPDATE ON fEB.16.HELP.

over 8 years ago
Sare price

Wwo removed my post. I do not think it deservied that , it was my feelings of this stock over the last 6 years longer than most , when most here were selling as day traders.

almost 9 years ago
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