POET Technologies Inc.

Has there not been some whining on this board about the day traders and the HFT and the manipulation of the stock?Will having a reduced number of shares not address some of these issues?

The Direct Registration System (“DSR”) that is also mentioned in the Circular specifically addresses some of these issues - and there is an entire list of Canadian companies using DRS.


This is also an information link regarding DRS.Click here.

Regarding our new Mr Fab – Are we now down on him also because I am sure much of what is in today’s NR was read over and approved by him, and possibly even suggested by him, as he has had years of experience and may know what is best for the company in the long run and not just for today?

As ST mentioned, this consolidation could just be a Plan B and I have to respect a company that doesn’t just have a plan A.If manipulation continues and they don’t have this option in place then it would delay indefinitely getting to the larger market.

I am going to continue to have faith in this company and its leaders – not blind faith by any means.It cannot be easy to navigate the “disruptive technology” waters without a bit of boat rocking going on and believe we have the person at the helm who is going to lead us to the promised land.

I am just a passenger on this ship and the captain and crew have a much further view ahead that I do.So I am going to continue to trust they are heading in the right direction, at the right speed and with the right equipment.

I am now going out to drink copious quantities of Ale and ponder the bright POET future in front of the boat.


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