POET Technologies Inc.

Oh man, another classic post from StrategicTrader that gets people giddy during quiet times as the price regresses, but don't realize these kind of posts can do more damage then good. It gets me fuming inside reading these type of posts because it is nothing more than a reiteration of the same pumping scheme every few weeks or so on here and apparently people love to hear it based on the recommendations.

The reason for my need to post on this is almost the same comments were made by this individual when we were in the mid $2s and people reading that might have been convinced enough that this was surely just a "small" correction (read the post mid april) and buying in that range was a good idea. Some people likely fell for that and are out a potential 10s of thousands of shares if they had bought on the hype and the pump at the time instead of waiting. I'm sorry but saying we will all be smiling soon, every few weeks for a year or so and saying big things are going to happen very soon every few weeks gets a bit old when its not the case. So please lets tone down the pumping act as this is not what the board is for. If others don't believe me go back and read the post history of the most recommended posts. Example: Where is the military deal from MS 7 that was drilled into everyone's head here for about a year prior? I don't like to see people, myself included, getting sucked into that sort of thing and overpay for their investment because of unnecessary pumping.

As Aves pointed out, posting quotes of what management says holds no weight. Its only actions that count, and with that in mind, you can't use quotes as facts to convince the board when things will get completed, because they've absolutely held no weight in the past.

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