POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Hollydurg's message

Well trying to figure out what's going on with the share price is getting quite tiring. The warrants seem to certainly have something to do with it. The normal manipulators have probably moved on for the most part for now. Not being a trusting person when it comes the stockmarket I look for any reasons I can find whether management or whoever. When we had the big drop around the EC event and Chris came on here and said some things that were true but not good timing we had to wonder why say that,then? We have to think like that. Every share of POET will be worth a lot of money and is the market being controlled so someone can get as many shares as they can. We have to question things, it's our right and obligation to protect our investment. For example, we know insiders are not allowed to trade in the blackout but what about this scenario

What about those partners who are involved. We seem to think they are responable for holding up news until 'they're ready'. Well maybe they are holding it up and maybe they're getting as many shares in the market at those great prices as they can? Who knows? They're not insiders yet and they can do what they want. I know that sounds crazy but if POET is going to be as valuable as we all think than anything is possible. Not really trying to accuse anybody of anything but trying to figure out why this great company with so much potential has shares trading no where near where they should be. Just saying, leave no stone unturned when trying to find an answer. There has to be a reason. Has to be a reason why there is always someone duming into the bid to bring or hold the price down. They appear from no where day after day. You might think the way they are selling that this company is worth crap, but maybe that's what they want you to think and are buying up there own shares while raking in more from the unsuspecting as they go about their business. Every morning that we don't get a news release they can work the market for that day and the volume is there everyday ,far more then we were use too a few months ago.

Just venting, but it is frustrating and there has to be a reason. There also has to be a reason why POET is always so late with there news especially when they are so consistantly late when they have told us differently and they never come out with a reason for being late either. Why not give us the reason right now for being late, just to settle things down. That's simple enough isn't it? What's the harm in that and if they cared about us retailers why wouldn't they do it? You know like a "we're late because.... and not to worry..."

See, that's another question we have to ask ourselves. Why can't they?

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