POET Technologies Inc.

After looking at the chart over the past 4 months I am livid with the obvious crap being pulled by brokerage houses. At the end of Jan and Feb a similar although smaller selloff was achieved but the end of April was ridiculous. I am convinced that brokerage houses floated their clients margin money to buy PTK knowing full well they could short and create margin calls and make the stock price fall. I would be interested to know who got margin calls out there and from which houses so that if mine are involved I can close my account Monday. This kind of BS can not be tolerated and we as consumers need to group together to take these Donkey Houses out of business! Also think there needs to be a serious investigation into where the he77 TD is getting their shares.

Recently lost my 7 figures and am pissed! I sure I will get it back next week but don't need some pi$$ants trying to steal from me.

Also- To the Instinet guys- Your pathetic attempt to sell small lots to down tick the stock has not gone un-noticed. You are going to get the severe steam rolling that you so muchly deserve. I hope you lose it all bone hd!

Rick the vet

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