POET Technologies Inc.

Is not as bad as what's happening on this board. Some people become very nasty when they are losing money, especially after having been so giddy as they were making it.

Manipulators? Maybe. Funny, no one mentioned manipulators when the stock was leaping upward every day. But it seems every stock I see that goes down, their is a contingent on its corresponding message board that blames the fall on manipulation (otherwise, they'd be wrong about something fundamental, that can't happen).

I don't know what the collective experience in the markets is among posters, but this lower price action is pretty typical after such a strong, strong run-up. The "no news" was the catalyst. So I'm sure a lot of traders are abandoning the stock for a while, but they'll be back.

Look, I'm disappointed, too, but not surprised. And, unfortunately, I'm not surprised by the meltdown on the board, the paranoia, cuz I've seen that happen in these situations many times before. Many are acting several rungs below the high level which they continually ascribe to POET. Perhaps acting like world class individuals would be more in keeping with the way many here view POET.

News of further success is what is needed. I'm confident it will come, and like all of you, I wish it were sooner than later.

The reactions to the EC event on this board are suspect - not at all because they are disingenuous, but because they come from people so heavily biased in favor of POET, and some who are easily disappointed. For example, if the stock had gone up yesterday as the presentation was going on, do you think we would have seen some of those nasty posts directed at the doc and the presentation?

Andrea may have just said "enough" and swore off for a little while, I could understand that, hopefully nothing more sinister.

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