POET Technologies Inc.

Postponed is not abandoned

Written by Rainer Klute - 2014-04-29

At the lecture by Dr. Geoff Taylor at the Empire Club of Canada, many shareholders had expectations linked to News - me too. However, reaching the 100-nm target or the announcement of an industrial partnership did not materialize. Taylor was limited though to the known, but he stressed the importance of POET abundantly clear.

The event on April 28th at the Empire Club was fortunately transferred by Lifestream, and who has missed the can view the recording.
Ferrari under the hood

Was presented to Dr. Taylor by Peter Copetti who came to POET Technologies 2012 (then OPEL Solar) and the strategic restructuring of the company headed: away from a deficit solar Bude with POET as exotic technology appendages, towards an innovation leader in the semiconductor industry.

Copetti briefly explained the Moore's Law, which now reached its end after fifty years. Each notice yourself that new smartphones would bring no real performance gains more while the battery was gone in no time. Is needed are devices with higher speed, lower power consumption, lower manufacturing costs, and compatibility with the existing industrial facilities. And there is only one answer to these requirements: POET.

He, Copetti, Dr. Taylor was in May 2012, met for the first time. Only some of the former directors of OPEL Solar had believed in POET and persuades him to look under the hood. "What I found was a Ferrari." Today POET Technologies is debt free, Concerning operative on a cash balance of $ 11 million and was in the process of changing the semiconductor industry. This had enabled a unique team, but especially Geoff Taylor as a brilliant scientist, the world's leading expert in gallium arsenide solid state physics, as one who had gone ahead where others would have given up. Taylor was the reason why he had gone to POET, said Copetti and gave the floor to the main speaker.
"Moving light around inside the chip"

Taylor spoke first on the development of silicon-based semiconductors in recent times, to three-dimensional transistors (FinFET) and made it clear that one has arrived there on the border of what is possible.

An important challenge of modern communication technology is the conversion of electrical signals into optical signals and back. With the help of light is much larger amounts of data can be transmitted in the same time than by electric signals. This is happening today not only over longer distances, not only from computer to computer, but even on the same board from chip to chip. This requires converters that receive the optical signals and convert them into Electroseparators. The data processing in the chip is then electrically, before the result is again converted and transferred into light. Taylor made clear by two examples of today's silicon technology, such as consuming large, energy-hungry are those solutions. Which he faced POET, which also allows the optical addition to the electrical data processing and makes the converter considerably smaller.

POET can do everything what could CMOS, is compatible with CMOS and beyond offer additional possibilities. As examples, Taylor called the optical clock distribution within a chip as well as the concept of a smartphone on POET basis, rather than a series of chips, only a single need.

Taylor concluded with a historical overview of semiconductor development since 1933, pointed to where silicon and gallium arsenide where were used. He explained what procedures and component types are now arrived in his opinion at the end of their development. From 2015 sees Taylor as the new semiconductor POET paradigm.

The lecture hinläßt mixed feelings in me. For one, I found it interesting content, especially at the second hearing. The man definitely knows whereof he speaks. The technique has hand and foot and is groundbreaking. However, The man through and through scientists. A communicator he is not, and his delivery was correspondingly dry.

The audience from the financial world are due to this lecture not to jump up and POET shares order, but scratching your head and wondering first of all what it was now actually. On the one hand brought Copetti and Taylor across it clear that we have here to do with a revolution in the semiconductor industry, on the other hand was Taylor's lecture certainly over most heads. A little previous knowledge of solid state physics was needed that is already to discover the genius of this scientist. Only those who know what quantum effects are, can appreciate this and estimate how much they make researchers in their efforts towards ever smaller semiconductor structures life difficult. The smaller these structures are, the more serious these effects are and the more they affect the desired functions. Taylor's approach is just as smoothly as pragmatic: "If the quantum effects abound, we must make the quantum effects stop advantage" ("When the quantum effects take over, we have to use the quantum effects and reap the benefits from quantum computing.". ) If Taylor in this context also happen to be of quantum computing, qubits and single-electron transistors, saith the physical layman can not imagine what tremendous application potential is behind it.

With his scientific lecture Taylor disappointed after all, all those positive, who had feared a pure propaganda event for the POET-share. Because that was not quite sure, and such a thing would not have fitted to the Empire Club.

Presumably, some listeners will want to try after the event first smart move and understand what it actually does with this Galliumarsenidzeugs on how this will affect and what POET means for investors. That one in any case can not just pass it, makes alone the invitation of Taylor in the "Spirit of a pioneer" - series of the Empire Club clear to others the fact that Copetti and Taylor not only stood on the stage, but also representatives of investment houses like Pinetree Capital, IBK Capital or Brant, who said in 2012 to recognize a great potential in POET and caused by share placements for equity capital.
Questions and Answers

During the lecture, unfortunately, passed over their heads, it was interesting again in the question and answer session. First Peter Copetti was available for questions.

If the share price continue to rise? Copetti do not have to worry about themselves, he said. For him, one developed by Taylor technique. For him, one of his management team, with whom he wants to bring the technology to the market. And yes, there is also the share price will move from bottom left to top right - in contrast to Moore's Law. For the right time for POET Technologies had just now come by the end of Moore's Law. Five years ago it was still too early for that, because were still possible improvements. Today was Moor's Law in the end. That was so Copetti waved the fence post, also the feedback from the industry partners with whom POET work together in the context of disclosure agreements. The share price will fluctuate, but definitely go up.
What is the biggest challenge for POET? Stay focused! POET have very many different applications. The company is in the field of quantum computing on the go, and POET work in addition also to things about which the company had not yet spoken publicly until now. However, the POET team was very small. It can not take everything at once, but had to focus on the essentials. POET was therefore in the POET Development Alliance (PDA), a number of companies brought together, which together have and drive the larger goal in mind - obviously again a hint, hint.
How would a larger market correction influence the further steps of POET Technologies? If the market is going down, it can be difficult to get money, so Copetti. But: "We do not need money. We have 11 million dollars and consume 370,000 a month. "To market fluctuations Copetti no thought but rather to do the task at hand.

Then you could ask questions to Dr. Geoff Taylor:

What are the limits of POET? The one can not be answered at all, Taylor, like in the 1960s, no one could say where the limits of CMOS lie. Taylor expects innovations based POET, not only through his own company, but also by others who would operate in areas that POET Technologies have not even looked at.
How fast chip manufacturer can switch to the production of POET-chips? What new technology is needed? The manufacturing process need only minimal changes, nothing unusual. For the industry to get along well.
Has POET competitors? Clear Antowrt: no. There will be no two poets, but only one, and that's it.
What is going on with other materials to, for example graph? In terms of looks graph is left out, explains Taylor. High-speed electronics with graphene one can not exclude, but there are still so many unsolved problems that the success was doubtful. With the existing production graph is anyway incompatible. Maybe there was something in 20 years, but even then would the graph have nothing to offer in terms of looks, and that is the real challenge.
If the optical portion of POET robust enough for practical requirements? Of course, because the results from the integration of optical components in the chip.
Will you work in a year from now for POET or rather for Intel? Taylor laughs: "Well, I hope we have enough pride not to do that!"

Missing news burden share price

I admit, I was initially disappointed that POET Technologies no name one or even announced several industry partners. Not only I had hoped for more, and this disappointment was reflected promptly in the stock price down, which plummeted in Toronto to 2.00 CAD.

On the other hand, this should only be a temporary weakness. Because fundamentally has indeed changed. Although no names of partners were notified, as yet realized that there is this partner and that they work in the PDA with POET Technologies. The technique will come. After presented by Dr. Taylor timeline we will see from 2015 first applications.

The event Empire Club of Canada should POET Technologies have its visibility increased further. Whether we will soon see the first comments from the analysts?

The missed event at the Empire Club news will come: 100-nm target, names of partners, Pellegrino 2.0. Then it just takes a little longer still until the next time high. Until then I will not let myself irritated by price fluctuations, sell and observe any piece, as the price continues to make on its way from the lower left to upper right


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