POET Technologies Inc.

Here is a bit of history on Nikola Tesla. Lots of parallels to Taylor - hope he has his key stuff duplicated and secure. It also describes power control and influence and how ideas and projects can get killed for selfish reasons.

Hopefully today POET is far enough along and sufficiently funded for this sort of crap not to happen and Taylor can see his 30 years of hardwork come to life and used.

J. Pierpont Morgan pressured George Westinghouse to renege on his agreement with Nikola Tesla. He deliberately withheld funding from the Westinghouse Company, until the original agreement between Tesla and Westinghouse was abrogated, thereby stopping Tesla dead cold in his tracts. Tesla, a humanitarian, willingly tore up the original agreement with Westinghouse in order to save the Westinghouse firm. Morgan then proceeded to control the Westinghouse firm, unseating George Westinghouse from his own company, ruining Westinghouse personally and psychologically. Westinghouse died a few short years later, demoralized and completely broken.

Such was the utter ruthlessness of J. Pierpont Morgan exposed, who was not willing that any should benefit from their own ‘novelty of fact’ discoveries, especially, if it would completely destroy J. Pierpont Morgan’s own objectives, goals and ambitions.

Morgan had originally backed Thomas Alva Edison and his Direct Current system, he funded the entire Edison project, worldwide, he invested in the complete monopolization of the electrification system based on DC. Upon the successful completion of the Westinghouse/Tesla Niagara Falls Power Project, Morgan began his “control” paradigm, because he knew that Tesla’s power system would quickly supplant the Edison Electrification system based on DC, which was now ‘openly’ proven to be inferior to AC power generation.

Shortly thereafter Tesla’s laboratory was burned down and Westinghouse lost control of his own company. Morgan sent his own men to sit on the board of Westinghouse, unseating George Westinghouse sending him packing, never to return. Westinghouse died a short time thereafter, completely demoralized. Edison was regarded as a ‘loose’ cannon, and he too was removed from his own company, when Morgan reorganized the Edison firm into the General Electric Company. Morgan, the monopolist, exercised complete and absolute control.

Why haven’t you heard about this before, and why didn’t you read about this in the history books? Simple, because of the ‘control’ paradigm. Morgan and Rockefeller controlled the entire economic fabric of the United States. They supplied the raw materials, infrastructure, and the means of production. They financed all of the technologies, as they were being developed, controlling every aspect of their development. Morgan had invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the DC system, including the establishment of the grid, electrification technologies, and modes of transportation. Morgan ‘monopolized’ all production, including the ‘means and methods’ derived. When he determined the outcome and scope of the project funded, he gained control by owning the controlling stock within those companies. He was able to use ‘moral suasion’ due to his financial control over the newspapers, and advertising within those papers.

Ask yourself, "Why haven’t you heard about Nikola Tesla in your school textbooks?" Because all textbooks are published by the 'control' paradigm. General Electric is continuously promoted as the benefactor of electricity. Any and all references to Nikola Tesla are fundamentally deleted in school textbooks, while Marconi and Edison are promoted as the creators of ‘electricity,’ ‘electrification,’ and wireless communication.

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