Northern Shield

Northern Shield Resources Inc. Concentrating on Platinum group element (PGE), Gold & Diamond exploration.
Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Discovery at Wabassi, N.W. Ontario

Apr. 14, 2011 (Canada NewsWire Group) --


Up to 9% Copper, 25% Zinc and 217 g/t Silver

OTTAWA, April 14 /CNW/ - Northern Shield Resources Inc. ("Northern Shield") (TSX-V: NRN) and its partner Discovery Harbour Resources Corp. ("Discovery Harbour") are very pleased to announce the discovery of significant new copper-zinc-silver-(gold) mineralization at the Wabassi property in northern Ontario after receiving partial assay results from four of the seven holes completed during the winter 2011 exploration program.

Drilling - "Anomaly E"

Drill-holes 11WA-16 and 17 were designed to test Anomaly "E" initially detected by a VTEM survey in 2010 and followed up by a ground Pulse EM survey completed in March 2011. Ground geophysics shows Anomaly "E" to be a sizeable target with a strike length of 600 meters and considerable depth extent. Geophysical modeling interprets the target to be plunging to the northeast to depths below 800 meters and drilling along strike of the conductor supports this interpretation.

Drill-hole 11WA-16 intersected 1.1 % Cu, 2.3% Zn, 54 g/t Ag and 0.14 g/t Au over 20.05 meters, which included higher grade sections of:

  • 1.5% Cu, 3.3% Zn, 76 g/t Ag and 0.2 g/t Au over 13.1 meters;
  • 1.7% Cu, 4.5% Zn and 91 g/t Ag over 7.7 meters; and

a deeper and separate mineralized zone assayed 1.2% Zn over 9.3 meters.

Drill-hole 11WA-17, located 100 meters along strike to the northeast, intersected 1.4% Cu, 2.1% Zn, 34 g/t Ag and 0.1 g/t Au over 30.24 meters, which included a higher grade section of:

  • 2.7% Cu, 4.9% Zn, 68 g/t Ag and 0.2 g/t Au over 12.7 meters, and,
  • 5.7% Cu, 9.9% Zn and 150 g/t Ag over 3.6 meters.

Grades of up to 9.1% copper, 25.5% zinc and 217 g/t silver were intersected in this drill-hole.

Two other holes have also been completed on Anomaly "E" including drill-hole 11WA-20 that was drilled a further 100 meters to the northeast of 11WA-17. Northern Shield is pleased to report that volcanogenic massive sulphides (VMS)-type mineralization was intersected in this hole and assays are pending. (Drill-hole locations and a table of results can be seen at

Last year (April 2010) Northern Shield and Discovery Harbour intersected high-grade copper-zinc-silver mineralization at the A2 Target Zone at Wabassi, located 4 km north of Anomaly "E". Additionally, four unexplained high priority conductors remain unresolved in the A1 Zone and three other VTEM target zones remain to be tested at Wabassi (A3, A4 and F).

"We are very excited to have hit significant VMS-type mineralization on all three of the grid lines we have tested so far at Anomaly "E". Given the assay results and the projected size from our modeling of the ground geophysical data, Anomaly E has the potential to be a major new base metal deposit on NRN claims." says Northern Shield President and CEO, Ian Bliss. "Like the Ring of Fire three years ago, the Wabassi Greenstone Belt is proving to be very fertile and largely unexplored."

VMS deposits rarely occur as singular bodies and normally occur in clusters or "camps." The Noranda, Bathurst and Matagami camps are all examples of well known VMS camps in Canada.

"We have identified two copper-zinc-silver (gold) VMS systems on the Wabassi property and this strongly suggests we may have discovered a new VMS district in Northwestern Ontario. I am very enthusiastic about Anomaly "E" and the "A2" discoveries because they possess the mineralization, alteration and lithologies that are comparable to other VMS districts we have successfully explored in the past. It will require significant drilling to define these two high grade occurrences as well as a carefully planned and executed exploration program to add new discoveries to this already significant inventory," adds Michael Senn, Vice-President for Discovery Harbour.

Staking & Airborne Geophysics

Northern Shield and Discovery Harbour have jointly staked an additional 100 claims that cover 40 kilometers of the horizon that hosts the two known occurrences at Wabassi. The new claims triple the size of the Wabassi property from 50 claims and 110 square kilometers to 150 claims covering over 350 square kilometers. Further staking continues. An airborne magnetic and electromagnetic survey to cover the new claims is presently being contracted for.

Northern Shield and Discovery Harbour are planning the construction of a new exploration camp at Wabassi from which to base accelerated exploration and drilling. "Due to the significance of our two discoveries and the quality of the targets remaining to be tested at Wabassi, we felt it was necessary to immediately expand our land position to cover the ground we researched and determined to be highly prospective for additional discovery in the Wabassi portion of the Fort Hope Greenstone Belt. Next, we are contracting for the flying of an airborne magnetic and EM survey to cover our new ground. We also felt that it was time to establish a camp that is more central to our activities, which have already accelerated." continues Michael Senn from Discovery Harbour.

Drilling - "A-1 Zone"

Partial assays from drill-holes 11WA-14 and 15 targeting the A1 Zone have also been received. Drill-hole 11WA-14 targeted a deep conductor within the Wabassi Intrusion that was identified by ground geophysics. Although extensive copper mineralization was encountered in gabbroic rocks, the main source of the conductor was not intersected and therefore further drilling is being planned. Significantly, one sample interval assayed 4.5 g/t Au and 0.47% Cu. The sample interval measures 0.5 meters and contains a 5-10 centimeter diameter fragment (xenolith) of volcanic rock containing veinlets of chalcopyrite (copper sulphide). The fragment, which is likely the source of the high copper and gold values in the sample interval, was likely derived from the surrounding country rock. This suggests that higher grades of copper-gold mineralization may occur in the volcanic rocks adjacent to this part of the intrusion.

Drill-hole 11WA-15, located 100 meters west of 11WA-14, targeted a near-surface anomaly that is one of the strongest conductors on the property. The drill-hole intersected disseminated chalcopyrite hosted within volcanic rocks, which alone cannot explain the strength of the conductor. Partial assays received to date indicate a 30 meter intersection grading 0.23% Cu. It is believed that the disseminated copper mineralization encountered may be part of a copper-rich sulfide system that is causing the strong electromagnetic response nearby. We believe that 11WA-15 was drilled above the main conductor. Additional drilling should explain the cause of this very strong anomaly (23,000 siemens).

Assays are still pending for the remaining samples from drill-holes 11WA15, 16 and 17 and for all of 18, 19 and 20.

Significant assay results include:

Drill Hole From To Interval (m)* Cu (%) Zn (%) Ag (g/t) Au (g/t)
11WA-16 158.00 178.05 20.05 1.1 2.3 54 0.14
including 161.00 174.10 13.10 1.5 3.3 76 0.20
including 161.00 168.60 7.60 1.7 4.5 91 0.20
including 161.00 162.00 1.00 0.7 15.3 38 0.07
and 162.00 163.00 1.00 1.3 14.3 62 0.09
and 163.00 163.75 0.75 3.7 4.4 194 0.83
and 163.75 164.50 0.75 1.9 0.5 96 0.31
and 164.50 165.50 1.00 4.0 0.2 194 0.16
Drill Hole From To Interval (m)* Cu (%) Zn (%) Ag (g/t) Au (g/t)
11WA-17 254.86 285.50 30.64 1.4 2.1 35 0.11
including 272.40 285.50 13.10 2.6 4.8 66 0.24
including 272.40 276.00 3.60 5.7 9.9 150 0.33
including 272.40 272.90 0.50 3.5 4.4 92 0.43
and 272.90 273.60 0.70 7.0 25.3 193 0.29
and 273.60 274.20 0.60 9.1 11.9 217 0.34
and 274.20 275.00 0.80 2.4 0.4 66 0.30
and 275.00 275.50 0.50 5.7 0.8 150 0.29
and 275.50 276.00 0.50 7.3 15.6 202 0.37
Drill Hole From To Interval (m)* Cu (%) Au (g/t)
11WA-14 50.00 50.50 0.50 0.5 4.52
62.00 73.02 11.02 0.3 0.01
78.37 81.16 2.79 1.3 0.16
Drill Hole From To Interval (m)* Cu (%) Au (g/t)
11WA-15 29.00 59.00 30.00 0.24 0.01

*All intervals composed of multiple samples are weighted averages. Intervals given are the length of core intersection and may not represent true widths.

The drill program was overseen by Christine Vaillancourt, Chief Geologist for Northern Shield and a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101. The drilling is being conducted by Layne Christensen of Chandler, Arizona. The ground and down-hole geophysics were completed by Crone Geophysics and samples are being analyzed by ALS Chemex laboratories in Vancouver, B.C. for Au, Pt, and Pd by Fire Assay with ICP-AES finish and base metals by four acid digestion and ICP-AES.

Discovery Harbour is currently earning a 51% interest in the Wabassi project and property. This earn-in will be completed during 2011, at which time a joint venture will be formed between Northern Shield and Discovery Harbour. Each will then contribute funding to the project on a pro-rata basis. Northern Shield will continue to operate the project for the partnership.

Northern Shield is an innovative, results-driven Canadian company focused on Platinum Group Element (PGE) exploration in Ontario and Quebec. Its mission is to create a successful mineral exploration company through technical excellence and efficient management, where success is measured by the identification and development of high-quality mineral exploration projects, which may ultimately be optioned, sold or developed for maximum return on investment. For further information on Northern Shield and its properties, please visit our website at or contact:

Forward-Looking Statements Advisory

This news release contains statements concerning the exploration plans, results and potential for Cu-Zn-Ag-Au mineralization at the Wabassi property, geological, geophysical and/or geometrical analyses of the Wabassi property and the assay results described above, and other expectations, plans, goals, objectives, assumptions, information or statements about future events, conditions, results of exploration or performance that may constitute forward-looking statements or information under applicable securities legislation. Such forward-looking statements or information are based on a number of assumptions which may prove to be incorrect.

Although Northern Shield believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements or information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements because Northern Shield can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements or information are based on current expectations, estimates and projections that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by Northern Shield and described in the forward-looking statements or information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, risks associated with geological, geometrical and geophysical interpretation and analysis, the ability of Northern Shield to obtain financing, equipment, supplies and qualified personnel necessary to carry on exploration and the general risks and uncertainties involved in mineral exploration.

The forward-looking statements or information contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof and Northern Shield undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws

No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.

Northern Shield Resources Inc.
Ian Bliss
President and CEO
Tel.: (613) 232-0459
Fax: (613) 232-0760

Source: Canada Newswire (April 14, 2011 - 9:15 AM EDT)
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