Northern Shield's Profile

Northern Shield Resources Inc. Concentrating on Platinum group element (PGE), Gold & Diamond exploration.

Northern Shield Resources Inc. TSX.V : NRN, Frankfurt : N9S, is a Canadian-based, dynamic and innovative mineral exploration company concentrating on platinum group element (PGE) exploration in under-explored regions of Canada.

The Company has taken the initiative to conduct much of its exploration in under-explored areas using a scientific, model-driven approach to define targets and target areas.

Northern Shield believes there are more world-class deposits to be discovered in eastern Canada but in order to find these one must look in new areas and take a fresh approach.

This strategy has already been successful in the discovery of a large layered intrusion at Highbank Lake. Such intrusion are highly prized for their potential to host significant PGE, chromium and vanadium mineralization and the Highbank Lake Property now represents one of the largest, untested platinum targets in North America.

This discovery led to an Option Agreement with Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd, the world’s second largest producer of platinum, with a market capitalization of nearly UD$6 billion.

Our Properties:

Highbank Lake is Northern Shield’s flagship property. It totals 298 sq km and covers one of the largest untested PGE (platinum group elements) targets in North America. In early 2004,

Highbank Lake, Eastbank, & Fishtrap properties

  • 6 Property groups in the McFaulds Lake/James Bay Lowlands are being explored for PGE and Ni-Cu-(PGE).
  • Only junior in the area to be partnered with a major – Impala Platinum Ltd. from South Africa.
  • Highbank and Eastbank Properties cover the two largest PGE targets in the area.
  • A large layered intrusive complex discovered by Northern Shield in 2003.

The well layered nature of the intrusion that underlies the Highbank Lake property, the presence of strong chrome and chromitite anomalies directly above the intrusion, and the current understanding of the petrology and geochemistry obtained from the diamond drill core suggest high potential for “reef-style” PGE mineralization similar to the mineralization found in the Bushveld Igneous Complex of South Africa or the Stillwater Complex in Montana, USA.

Impala Platinum Holdings Limited of South Africa currently maintains a 45% interest in the PGE and PGE byproducts of the Highbank Lake property and has the option of incrementally earning up to a 60% interest by incurring a total of $5 million in exploration expenditures on the property by 2010.

Northern Shield maintains a 100% interest in the chromite rights.

To date, Northern Shield Resources has completed 21 diamond drill holes for a total of 6773 metres. Extensive lithogeochemistry performed on over 1500 core samples has help define stratigraphy and focus the targeting of reef-hosted PGE.

Northern Shield maintains a 100% interest in the 725 square kilometre Eastbank Property.

The property covers a newly identified target that management believes to be the lower portion of a vast layered intrusion, perhaps part of the Highbank Lake Complex.

The magnetic bands of the new target appear to merge with the layered intrusion at Highbank Lake suggesting that the area may be underlain by a very large layered intrusive complex combine to cover an area over 1,500 square kilometres.

The fold pattern and magnetic signature suggest that the Eastbank portion is likely dominated by mafic-ultramafic rocks that commonly compose the lower stratigraphy of a layered intrusion, which are ideal targets for reef hosted PGE-(Cr) and Ni- Cu-PGE deposits.

The layered magmatic rocks at Fishtrap, Highbank and the target at Eastbank are interpreted to be all part of the same layered intrusive complex.

The Highbank area displays evidence of multiple phases of large-scale folding.

This folding caused the layered intrusive complex to be exposed in three places: Fishtrap, Highbank and Eastbank.

The sketch above shows in a very broad and simplified way how these exposures could have been formed with progressively smaller fold amplitudes towards the northwest. SEE IMAGE HERE

The rocks underlying Fishtrap are interpreted to be dominantly from the Main Zone (upper portion of the layered intrusion) whereas at Highbank, because the amplitude of the fold is slightly greater than at Fishtrap, deeper portions of the intrusion are seen at, or near surface, and hence both Main Zone and Critical Zone rocks are observed.

Because the amplitude of the fold at Eastbank is still greater, the deepest portions of the layered complex should be exposed or near surface at Eastbank and hence the rock sequence would likely be dominated by the Critical Zone.

Larder River Property is a newly staked komatiite-hosted Ni-Cu-PGE prospect located southeast of Timmins. The deposit-type has recently gained attention due to the intersection of 72.5 meters of 1.14% Ni by Golden Chalice Resources Inc near Timmins.

Faint Hope Property In 2004, Northern Shield discovered gold anomalous (309, 111, and 68 ppb Au), sulphide-bearing boulders while drill testing a kimberlite target on its Faint Hope Property north of Cochrane, Ontario. The property is located in the middle of the Opatica metasedimentary belt and is up-ice from well-defined gold-arsenopyrite-(chalcopyrite) stream sediment anomaly. Arsenopyrite is a common pathfinder for gold in terrains dominated by sedimentary rocks as has recently been highlighted at Virginia Golds’ Eleonor Project in Quebec where gold mineralization is associated with arsenopyrite.

The Wabassi Ni-Cu-PGE Property covers an unexplored layered mafic-ultramafic intrusive complex. Although smaller than Highbank, layers within the Wabassi intrusion can be traced on the magnetic airborne survey for 7 kilometres. A rock sample that was randomly collected from an outcrop during a very brief reconnaissance of the property in the fall of 2007 assayed 130 ppb Pt + Pd. Preliminary study of samples revealed that the mineralogy and cumulate nature of the rock are evidence of a layered mafic/ultramafic intrusion with potential to contain reef-hosted PGE-(Ni-Cu) mineralization and Ni-Cu-(PGE) massive sulphide mineralization.

Hale Lake is located 55 km southwest of Highbank Lake and 40 east-north-east of the Norton Lake Ni-Cu-PGE Deposit operated by East-West Resources and Cascadia Resources. The Norton Lake deposit currently has a indicated and measured resource of 2.3 million tonnes @ 0.67% Ni, 0.61% Cu and 0.47 g/t Pd. The Hale Lake target is ideally situated along a major regional structure that may be part of Oxford-Stull terrain boundary.

Last changed at 10-Jan-2010 04:54AM by alteridem

Management & Directors

  • Managemenrt

    & Directors

    Ian C. Bliss – President, CEO and Director

    Mr. Bliss has over 16 years experience in the mineral exploration industry having studied geology at the University of New Brunswick. From 1995 to 2000, Mr. Bliss was an independent consulting geologist, responsible for exploration projects for NunaMinerals A/S, formerly Nunaoil A/S in Nuuk, Greenland and, in 2000, for Crew Development in Norway. In Greenland, Mr Bliss worked in some of the most remote and rugged terrain using a model driven approach to efficiently explore large tracts of land despite short explorations seasons. He has used a similar approach to generate targets in Ontario, including the discovery of a layered intrusion on the Highbank Lake Property. Mr. Bliss has served as President of Northern Shield since its inception in 1999.

    Sam Legg - Chief Financial Officer

    Mr. Legg holds a Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry) from the University of Toronto and is a Chartered Accountant (CA). His experience includes 12 years in Ottawa's high-tech industry, the majority in telecommunications and manufacturing. He served in progressively senior positions at Newbridge Networks of Kanata, Ontario from 1993 to 2000. He has conducted business in Asia, Europe, South America, Canada and the USA. He has extensive experience in small and medium-sized start-up environments, having been Director of Finance or CFO of several companies.

    Chris de Saint-Rome - V.P., Corporate Development

    Mr. de Saint-Rome has over fifteen years of experience in the areas of financial services and early stage corporate management. He has worked with such international companies as RBC Dominion Securities, Deloitte & Touche, MacDougall-MacDougall-MacTier, and the Nordica Group. Mr. de Saint-Rome received his BA from McGill University, and is the former CFO of the Company.

    Christine Vaillancourt - Chief Geologist

    Christine holds a B.Sc. (Geological Engineering) and completed a M.Sc. (Earth Sciences) at Université du Québec at Chicoutimi under the supervision of Sarah-Jane Barnes, one of the world’s leading authorities on the Bushveld Complex and other layered intrusions. Prior to joining Northern Shield, Ms. Vaillancourt worked for Caracle Creek International Consulting Inc. (CCIC), a professional geological consulting company that provides a wide range of geological services and includes a team of PGE specialists. She also worked for the Ontario Geological Survey where she was involved in the bedrock mapping of Precambrian terrains, and the study and assessment of economic potential of mafic-ultramafic intrusions in Ontario. She was also involved in a number of Ni-Cu-(PGE) exploration projects with Inco Technical Services.

    William Kiff - Director and Chairman of the Board

    Mr. Kiff is currently the President, CEO and Director of Win Energy Corporation - a private Calgary based Oil and Gas Exploration Company. Mr. Kiff was the President and Director of Foothills Oil & Gas Ltd., a public oil and gas exploration and development company, from 1996 to the end of 2002. From August 1990 to July 1995, Mr. Kiff was the President and Director of Canadian Pioneer Energy Inc., a public oil and gas exploration and development company. Mr. Kiff received an Honors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Western Ontario in 1977. Mr Kiff has been a director since 2003 and Chairman since 2004.

    Dr. Neil W. Bliss - Director

    Dr. Bliss is a geologist with 50 years experience of which 25 were with Alcan International Ltd, the technical consultancy arm of Alcan Aluminum Ltd. He retired from Alcan in 1997 after 18 years as Chief Geologist but continued for a further period as a consultant to both Alcan and Harvey Aluminium Co, the holding company representing the private owners of Compangie de Bauxite du Guinea. Whilst now semi-retired, Dr Bliss has been an Associate member of Aluminpro, a consulting firm now owned by Global Alumina of New York. During this time he has worked inter alia on bauxite projects in Fiji, Brazil and Guinea. Prior to joining Alcan, Dr Bliss worked for Cominco and the Geological Survey of Rhodesia. Dr Bliss holds and MA from Cambridge and a M.Sc and Ph.D from McGill.

    Jeff Boyce - Director

    Mr. Boyce is a senior oil and gas executive with over 27 years of domestic and international experience in building, financing and managing public oil and gas companies. Mr. Boyce is currently the President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sure Energy Inc. and the Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sound Energy Trust. Both Sure and Sound are public oil and gas issuers. Mr. Boyce is also currently a director of Stonefire Energy Corp., a public oil and gas company, and Galveston LNG Inc., a private liquified natural gas company. Mr. Boyce is the former President and Chief Executive Officer of Clear Energy Inc., which was a Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") listed oil and gas company, as well as the former Co-Founder, President, Chief Executive Officer and a director of Clear's predecessor Vermilion Resources Ltd., which was a TSX listed oil and gas company with operations in Canada, France and Trinidad.

    John L. Pedersen - Director

    Mr. Pedersen is a Director and Geological Consultant to Scandinavian Minerals Limited. Mr. Pedersen holds a M.Sc. (Economic Geology) and has 25 years experience in the mining and mineral exploration industry. From 1991 to 1998, Mr. Pedersen was the chief geologist with Nunaoil A/S and manager for mineral exploration in Greenland. Since 1999, has been an independent consulting geologist, providing consulting services through JLP Minerals and Mountain Resources Aps registered in Denmark. Since 1999, Mr. Pedersen has been a Director of Northern Shield since 1999.

    Marcus Archer - Corporate Secretary

    Mr. Archer is a Partner in the Calgary law firm of Macleod Dixon LLP and has been practicing securities and corporate law, with a focus on corporate financings and mergers and acquisitions, for 5 years. He is a director of a number of private companies and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Western Ontario and a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Alberta.

    Peter Walker - Director

    Mr. Walker was the founder, President and CEO of Scandinavian Minerals Ltd., a public mineral exploration and development company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, from 1996 until its acquisition this summer by First Quantum Minerals Ltd. for in excess of $260 million. Mr Walker graduated in Mining & Exploration Geology in 1973 from the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College, London. He has more than 30 years of international experience in the metals and minerals industries, including marketing, trading and investment with companies such as Western Mining, Amalgamated Metal Corporation and the Metallurgical Group.

Broker Fact Sheet

  • NRN Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Northern Shield
76,639,166, I&O - Aug-28-09
Metals & Minerals
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