Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves

(repost from Stock Igloo)

Situations are starting to solidify.

  • Margaret Kent has defected to the Yes camp after initially participating with FairForAll in the NO camp.
  • The legal team for the CSC has retrenched into a defensive mode and is starting with the excuses based on who their client is and their mandate.
  • The CSC Circular is public
  • CMM Management are pulling out all the stops to promote their agenda.
  • Some members of the CSC have defected, withdrawn, or resigned without being up-front with minority shareholders leaving members in place who I indicate have been, factually, the backbone of the CSC up to now (namely, CarIb and Positive Carry)
  • ….. and the list goes on and on


My experience in business has been that anything can and will happen to disrupt the best laid plans. Nothing ever goes smoothly,

The next 13 days are crucial …. in fact, they are the most crucial that we have seen in the past 8 months. Here are some examples.

  • Any White Knight now has the opportunity and all the knowledge and information to step in and make a counter bid.
  • The Regulators have now seen and been able to digest the methods that Finskiy & Associates will use with a Canadian resource. If the Regulators disagree with the Finskiy approach, they now have all the ammunition they need in order to step in.
  • Finskiy & Associates may not have enough votes to win the vote of minority shareholders.
  • The Courts will end up ruling on acceptability.
  • still undefined legal interventions
  • still unknown personal interventions
  • and any other disruptive to CMM/WTG possibility

I keep asking myself, "what can I do to help the "NO" process along". Today's idea is to send the CSC Circular (which is over Richard Bowden's signature on behalf of the identified CSC members) to the 4 Regulators having previously identified contact names.

My covering letter will request that they immediately, if not already in progress, launch an investigation and request that they implement a Cease Trade Order on CMM and WTG and at some point to disallow the proposed merger based on the information supplied in the circular.

Under separate post I will locate the Regulator and Government Agency Addresses that were previously used. I recommend that other dedicated "post" members do the same or any other action that you deem constructive.

(Note I care not that the Regulators claim to be understaffed and as such am going to request a written response from them by Sept. 7 at which time I will personally do a follow up)

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